Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

sop The Lije of Faith. you, and you (hall fhortly be as high, as glad, as joyful as they Look into Heaven,and fee what you fuifcr for,and think whether that be not worthy of harder terms thanany you can undergo,Rom.8.t 7, i 8.Ifwe fuffer with him, that we may be elfo glorifïedregether:For1reckonthat the Juferings of this profenftinte, are not worthy to be compared with theglory whichpail bereveal- ed in us, 2 Cor. 4 r 6, 17, l8: or which caufe we faint not :but though ourot,twardman periJh,yct the inwardman is renewed day by day : For our light afjlaon which is but for amoment,worke :b for us afar more exceeding and eternal weight ofglory : While we looknot at the things which arePeen, but at the things which are not feen :For the things which are Peen are temporal;but the things which are not feet are eternal. For we know that if our earthly boufe of this tabernacle were diffolved, we have abuilding of God, an boufe not made with bands, eternal in the Heavens. Heaven well believed, will enable uspatiently and chearfully to bear all things. He will account the very reproach ofChri It, tobe greater riches than the treafures of the world, who looketh believingly to the rccompenceof reward, Heb. II. 26. Met*. 9. Learn to die, and thenyou have learned to fifer. He thatcan bear death, by the power of faith, can bear almoft any thing. And he that is well prepared to die, is prepared for any a(Rit lion ; and ho that is nor, isunprepared for pro- fperity. Dire6t. so. Remember (íi11 that life bcirg fo veryJhort, the of (lions of Believers are asfhort. We have fo little a time to live, that we havebut a little while to fifer. And if thou faint in the day of adverfity, when it is fo little a while to night, thy f rength isMall, Prov. 24. to. Dire r t. Remember that thou bearefi but the common burden of the Sons of Adam, who are born to forrow as the (parks fly upward : And that thou art like to all the members ofChrift, whomutt take up their crofs, and fuffer with him, if they will reign with him: And that thou art but going the common way to-Heaven, which that heavenly fociety hath trod before thee: Andcanft thou expect tobe exempted both from she lot of humane lapfed nature, and from the lot of all theSaints ? if thou wouldeft be carrycd to Heaven in the Chariot of Flips, and couldeil expert to cfcape the jaws of death,