Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 501 death, yet muff thou endure the perfecution, wearinefs and hunger ofElias beforefuch a change. Direr . 12. Think alfo how unreafonable it is, for one that muff bave eternalglory, to grudge at a little fuffering in the way, andfor one that is faved from the torments of Hell, to think it much to be duly cbaflenedon earth. Fora Lazarus that mull be comforted in Abraham's bofom, to murmure that he waiteth a while in poverty at the rich mano doors ? Shall a wicked worldling venture into endlefs pains, and put himfelfout ofthe hopes of Heaven, and all this for á ¡hart and foolifh pleafure ? And will you grudge to Puffer Co fmall and (bort a chatlifcment in the way toan endlefs tea and joy ? Dire& 13. Think why it is that Chrift barb fo largely com- mended, andNO afwf ristgj ate, and cho.fen fuck: a life for Chofe that he willfave: And why he fooften pronounceth a woe to theprofperous world : it is not for wane of love to his Dif- ciplcs; nor for want of power to fecure their peace, Martb. 5. Blefed are thepoor in fpirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven :. Bleffed are they that mourn, for they ¡hap be comforted. Bl ff'd are they that are perfecutedfor rigbteouf tofsfakZo, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Luke 6. 24, 25,26. Woe to you that are rich, for you have receivedyour confolation : Woe to you that are fu17, forye¡had hunger : Woeunto you that laugh now, for yefhall mourn andweep: Woe unto you ivben all wen fhallfpeak, well of you, forfo did their Fathers to the falte Prophets, Jams r. a, 3. My Brethren, count it all joy when ye fallinto divers temptations (tha t is, tryingailliéiions) lnowioogtbat the trying ofyour faith worleethpatience°-----James 5. r, 2. Go too nowye rich men, weep and bowl for the miferies that (hall come uponyou- -- All theft wordsarc not for nothing : And judge how he fhouli think of adverfity who believeth them. area.. 04. Mark well whetheryoufindnot that your felves andothers are ufualy much better in a$liïlian, than in profperity: And whether there be not fotnething in the one to mikeyou better, and in the other to delude men, and make them worfe. O look and tremble at the dangers and doleful mifcries of moll that are lifted high ! how they are blinded, flattered, captivated in fin, and are the frame of nature, and the calamity of the world ! And mark when they come to die, or lie in R r r 3; ticknefs,