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The Life of Faith. thefenfual, whogrieve when their lotis and pleafures arc re- (trained : Nor the forrows of the idle, who grieve if they are called todiligent labour ; nor the forrow of the envious, who gritveth to fee another profper nor the. forrows of the cruel, whogrieve when they cannot be as hurtful to Gods fervants, and their neighbours orenemies, as they delire. It is neither wicked forrows, nor wilful felf- vexation, which Chritt loth biers : But it is the holy improving, and patient enduring the fufferings laid upon us by God or man. Direó'r. 16. Let Patience bave itsperfeli work He that be- lieveth, will net make ha.fie, tamer I. 3. Ifa. 28. i6. God's ..time is belt ; and eternity is long enough for our cafe and com- fort. it is by patient continuance in well doing, that glory, honour and immortality mutt be fought , Rom. z. We (hall reap in duc (Caton, if we faint nor, Gale. 6. 9. James 5. 7, 8, 9. Bepatient tkerefore Brethren unto the coming of the Lord. Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and bath long patience for it, until he re- ceive the early and latter rain. Be ye alto patient : lfabliJb your hearts ; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. When others by impatiencelac themfclves, do you in your patience poffefs your fouls, Luke 21. 19. Rom. 5. q... Patience worketh expo. rience,and experience hope, which maketb not afhamed. If we hope for that we fee not, thee do we with patience wait for it, Rom. 8.25. Through patience andcomfort ofthe Scriptures it it that we bave hope, Rom. 15. q.. Therefore we have need of pa- tierce, that when we bavedone the wip of God, we may inherit the promife, Heb. ro. 36. r t. CHAP. XXí How-to live by Faith, in troubles of Confcience, and doubts or ter- Tours about ourfpiritual andeverlaffingflare. laAving written a Mafia called, The Right Method for Spiritual Peace andComfort, tic. upon this fubjeF al- ready, I mull refer the. Reader thither,and here only add thefs few Ditec`hions. Diredt , . 503