Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Lift ofFaith. 5o5 elinations at once, that he might never more dcfire the plea. fure offin, nor beput to anyconflid to overcome it, nor any greatdifficulty to deny it, and all this might be done without any labour ofhis own, Idoubt not but the Hypocrite would content to be fomortified. But to watch, andpray, and read, and meditate,and ufe the meanswhich God appointeth him,both toget mortification, and to ufe it for the conquering of every temptation; this the Hypocrite will not confent to. 2. And what he Both content to at the prefent, he confenteth not towhen his finful pleafure is revived by the next tempta- tion. 3. But the truepenitent Chriffian is bothwilling to be changed and had rather have his Tufts to be killed, than pleafed; and al- fo willing toof: Gods meansboth to mortifie the inward Iuff, and to overcome the outward fin : And this in tincerity is his habitualfíate. Direr . 3. Never forget that r. The gracious nature of ;God : 2. Thefuf iciency of Chrifts Sacrifice and Merit : And 3. Vs truth of the univerfal offer or premife of pardon to allof theywill accept'the offer) are thefoundationofall our faith and comforts ; and arc that univerfalgrace which is before our fpe- cial graceor faith, and is prefuppofed to it On this foundation all ourfaith and peace is to be built. Dire& 4. The particularapplication ofthis to our filves, is, a. By Believing,and then by knowing that we do believe; and then by difcerningcur priviledges upon believing. a. Our believing it feti is, r. Our Afcent to the truth of the Gofpel : 2. Our Acceptance of the good (even Chrift and life) which is offered in it, and confent to tbe`Baptifmal Cove- nant withGod the Father, Son, and HolySpirit : And 3. Our Affiance in Chrift and his Covenant. 2. To know that we do believe`(fomehow) is eafie, whenwe do it : But to be Pure that this belief is ftncere and laving, is more difficult, becaufeof the deceitfulnefs of the heart ofman, and themixture: of unbelief, and other fins, and the weaknefs of grace where it is true, and the counterfeits ofit, and the infuf- f eient degrees which are in Hypocrites ; fo that it is not eatiie todifcern whether the faith which we have be fincere, and predominant above our fenle andour unbelief (as it muff be.) But S ff yet