Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

506 The Lift,of Faith. yet it may be known by fuch means as there. r. By labouring to ffrengebsn and inereafe our faith and grace, that it may not by the fmalnefs be next to undifcern- able, 2 By fubdaing al/ contrary inward corruptions, which obfeure it,. 3. By frequent exercifing it ; teeing habits are dif- cerned only in their ads. 4. By refilling and coxquering temp- tations, anddoing al/ the goodwe can in the world, and living as wholly devoted to God, above all worldly fle(hly intercft that fo "Faith may be evidenced by its fruits : a. And God may reward the faithful foul with his alluring real, and light and comfort. 5. By efcaping all thole lapfrs into heinous andwilful fin, which caul wounds, and fears, and hinder aff'urance, peaceand joy. 6. By a wife and conftant examination of the heart, and obfervation of it, in the time of tryal, and finding the habits and flrength of faith,and ofunbelief, in their (event aGings, and prevalencies in their conflits. 7. And withal], efcaping thofe ignorances and errours, about the nature, means, caulks and figns of grace and afliaranee, which keep many from it, who have juftifying faith. There (even are the true and neceffary means to get affuranceof your own fincerity, and that indeed you have the true Pal, and earneji, and witnefi of the Spirit of Chrill. 3. When you have firfl truly believed (or confented to, the Eapti(oral Covenant of Grace) and next got affurance that you do this in fincerity, the Taft part is the t4fìeft, which is to ga- ther up the priviledges,or comfortable conclufons which follows hereupon : Which are your pardonand juffifieation, your adop- aion and right to life eternal, and to all the benefits promifed by God, in that Covenant to which you do content; which are all comprehended in the three great Relations etabli(hed byD the Covenant, viz. that God is your Reconciled God andFather CbriOf isyour Head and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit isyour Life and Sanäifier. There three works which make up affurance, are contained in the three parts of this fyllogifm. r. He that truly bclievcth, is ¡unified, and adopted, and an heir of life. But I do truly believe 7. Therefoream ¡unified, adopted, aid am an heir of life. ea thus to the famclenfe. !Every