Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 507 Every one who truly confcnteth to the Baptifmal Covenant, bath right to the bleffings ofthe Covenant ; God is his Father, Chrift is his Saviour, and the holy Spirit is his Sandifer. But I do truly conlent to the Baptifmal Covenant : Therefore I have right toall the benefits of it : God is my Father, &ç. Dire& g. Remember that whenyou bave got affurance, and have truly gathered this conclufson, the continual and lively en- trap offaith, is jiffneceffary toyour aflualjoy. For it is poflble for a man to havenonotable dourtings of hie own,fincerity orfalvation, and yet tohave fuchdulnejs of foul, and fuch diverfons of his thoughts, as that he (hall enjoy but little ofthe comforts ofhis own affurance. Therefore true joy rcciuireth much more, than bare felt examination,and difcernm mg of ourevidences, and right to life. Direct. 6. When doubts and troubles are caufedby ignorance or errour, about the true nature andfigns ofgrace, and the way of affurance (which is very common) nothing then is more neceffa- ry than afoundandskilful Teacher ; to workout chofe miaskes, and tohelp the ignorant Chrifìian to a clearer underftanding of the terms of the Covenant, and the fenfe of the Promife, and the true methods of Chrift in his gifts and operations. Othcrwife the erring foul will be diftradted and loft in a wii- dernefs ofdoubts, and either fit down at ladprefumptuoufly on falle grounds, or turn to one errour to cure the troubles ofanother; or languifh in defpair; fo lamentable a thing is it to be poffcfï'ed withCane principles, and to attempt fo great a work in the dark. Dirce. 7. And here there are thefe two extreams to be carefully avoided : r. That ofthe Infidel andJufticiary, who trufieth and teaeheth others to traft to his own vertues andworks without aSaviour, or afcribeth the pare of a Sa- viour to them. 2. TheAntinomian and Libertine, who teach menstar to lookat any thing in tbemfelves at art, no not as an evidence, or condition, or weans, much left as any eaufe of life ; but to trait toChrifis blood, to be to you in./feed ofFaith, and Repentance, and Obedience, and all your ufe of means ; and do afcribe the part of theft duties of man, to the blood ofChrifi; as ifit did belongonly to Chrift to do that fame thing which belongeth unto them. S ff s Therefore