Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5o$ The Life of Faith. Therefore hereyou mull be Pure to be welt-acquaintedwhat is truly the office and part of Cbrift ; and what' is truly the office andpart of Faith, of Repentance, ofConfeffiàn,of Prayer, tic. And to be lure that you 'wboIy truff Cbrift for bss.part,and joyn not Faith, nor any ofyour own works or duties in the lead degreeof truff or honour which bclongeth to Cbri(t, andbis office and work: Anetthat you faithfully site (yea I will fay, Truff too, though ignorance foul at it) your Faith, Re- penance, Prayer, &a. in and for itr awn office and part ; and do not fooliíhly blafphemt Chrili, by afcribing thepart and office ofyour dutyunto him and his office, under pretence of giving him the honour of them. It is Chrilfs office and hon:ur to be a, . facrifice for fin, and apropitiation for ins, and a perfeaSaviour and Intereefor, and togive us the Spirit, by which we b..clieve, repent, pray, obey, hope, love, &c. But not to be a v:onitent believing firmer, nor_to accept of an offered Saviour, nor to be a contenting Covenanter with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, nor tobe wafhed from fin in his bloat reconciled 4ropes cd, nor to pray for pardon in the name of a°, nor t 'ruff upona Saviour, nor to be a Difciple, a Subjs,, a Member of a Saviour, &c. Nor yet that his blood, or merits, os ilg teoul' nefs, thould be to you inffead of theft. No, thefe are to be done by,you. Dire. 8. in this cafe elfo take heed' of thofe ignorant guides, who know: not the errours offancy, melancholy, or di- fturbed paf:ns, from the proper works of the Spirit of God: For they wrong the Spirit, when they afcribc mens finful weak- nails to him : And they greatly wrong the troubled (inner many waits : I. They puffup men with conceits that they are under forne.great and excellent workings of the Spirit,,wheer they are the works of Satan, and their own infirmity or fin. 2. They teach them hereby to magnifie and cherifb thole di= 'tempers, and paffions, And thoughts, which they fhoutd reftft; and lament, and call away. 3. And they let them in an Enthu- hatlick, or truly Fanaticalway of Religion, to look for Kew. Ixtions, or live Will upon their ownfancies, andpajfons, and difternpere, and Satans temptations, conceiting that they live upon the incomes ofGod, and ire actuated in all this by the llotyGhott, And ofwhat mifchicvous importance and con fcguence.