Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 5u are all yours , becaufe they arc put into .your hands to read, 7. And if you go this way to work, you are in danger to be carrycd i ntomanyother erreurs and fins, and think that all is ofthc Spirit of God, lxcaufc you feel it for upon your hearts. And fo you will feign the fan6ifyingSpirit to be the author of fin, and the lyingSpirit íhall be honoured and called by his name, Mark well thcfe following texts of Scripture, 2 Thef. 2, 1, 2, 3. We befeechyou brethren, by the coming ofour Lord Jefas Clare--- that ye be not footsfhaken inmind, or troubled, neither by Spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Cbrifï is at hand r Let no man deceive you- -You fee here that Spirit, Word and Scripture may be pretended for an un- truth. Matto. 4. Satan often faith, It is written, 2 Cor. i i. I 2, r 3, 14,1 g. Falfe Apoffles, and deceitful worker, may transform themfelves into theApoffles'ofCbrift,andMiniffers of Righteoufnefi; and no marvel, for Satan himfelf is transformed into an Angel of light. a Sohn 4. r. Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the spirits, whether theybe of God. Gal. r. 7, S. If we or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Goffel toyou, let him be accurfed. (Left. But haw then fhallI know when it is the Spirit which putteth any thing into nay mind ? AAfw, I. The matter it feltmutt be toyed, whether it agree with the tiered Scripture, and mull be proved true by the Word of God. 2. The end to which that truth is brought, snuff be proved to be juft andgood: For Satan pleadeth truthe to ftnful ends. 3, The application of them to your own cafe mutt be filch as will hold royal, and it mutt be proved by Cound argument, that indeed they do thus and thus belong to you For Gods Spirit will not belga you, nor make you better or werfe than you arc ; no more than he will beiyc the Scriptures. ©bit& But is it not the fame Spirit which fpake to the Apoftles, which fpeaketb to us ? 1f they were to believe him im, rnediatefy,fo muft we and feting th, $pirir is above the Sripture,