Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

512 The Life of Faith. we neuft try the Scriptures by the Spirit, and not the Spirit bythe Scriptures. Anfw. Alas, how pittifully ignorance beweildreth men o a. Itis the fame Spirit which was in the Apt:Ales, and is in theweaken Chritlian : But he workcthnot in the fame degree: He infpired them to infallibility ; being promifcd to lead them intoall truth, and to bring all things which Gbrift bad rpokers oto their remembrance ; and heenabled them to prove this by ma- nifold miracles : Doth hedo all this by you ? or had you the fame promifes ? 2. The fame Spirit in them was given to one end, and to you for another. To them it was given to caufe them byhis infpiration`to deliver all that Chriti had taught them, and to leave it on record toall generations, as his infallible Word and. Law, to be the Rule of doctrine and pra- &ice to the endof the world. But to you the fame Spirit is given, to caufyou to underhand, and love, andobey this Law which is already written, and not to write or know ano- ther. 3. The Spirit indited the Scriptures before you wereborn: andwe are Pure that that is the Wordof God ; and we are lure that Gods Spirit contradideth not it felf : Thereforeyour afterpretended revelations, mull be trycd by the certain an- cient Rule, which had the feal of miracles which yours hath not. Obj. But bow fhallIknow what application tomake of Scri- pture to my felf, but by the teaching of the Spirit ofGod ? Anfrv. But you mull not take every thought and fuggc@ion or remembrance, to be the Spirits application. Gods Spirit teacheth men by the light of found evidence, which may be proved,and wil hold good in tryal:He teacheth you by excite- ing you to rational fludies and argurnentation,and by Melling you in filch fober ufe of Gods means : But he doth not teach you to know your Rate, by the bare rcmembring ofa text. Direr. 9. Take heed elf: of mifunderffanding what is the sritne fs of the Spirit, that we are Gods children. Many think it is like Come voice, or fuggetlion, or infpira- tion within them, Paying, Thou art the Child ofGod. And fo many ChriGlians languith in tenants, that feel no fuch per- fwading Spirit in them. And many Hypocrites arc deluded by