Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

4 The Life of Faith. 555 merit, as the ground ofpeace, and over looking the fufficiency of the Sacrifice, Merits, or Intereefon of Cbriff, the principal thing to be done with fuch a foul, is, to convince him of the im- po(lìbility of being jLlttificd by works, on legal terms ; and to Phew him thenccefiity ofa Saviour, and the defign of God in mans redemption, and that there is but one Mediatour. be- tween Godand man, and one Name by which we can be laved ; and that Chrill is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comma; to the Father, bat by the Son; and that he was made fix fr us who knew no fin, that we might he made the rigbteoufnefs of God in him; and that of God be is made unto us, wtfdom, and rigbteoufnefs, and fanliification, and redemption ; and that God barbgiven us eternal life, and this life is in his Son ; and that he that bath the Son, bath life, and be that bath not theSon, barb not life ; and that there is no condemnation to them that are in Chriff Jeffs, who walk not after the flefh, but after she Spirit ; but be that believetb not is condemned already. Thus mull Chriff crucified, the propitiation for the fins of all the world, be preached to them, who are troubled asfor want of a Saviour, or an attonement, a facrifice, or ranfome, or propitiation for fin ; or becaufc they are not inked of a Saviour to them- fìives. But to tell a man only ofthe facrifice andmerits of Cbri(f,who doubtcth only of Lois intereff in him, and of the truth of his own Faith, icepentanee and Sanllification, is to prate imperti- nently, and to delude the firmer, and todeal injurieufly with Chrift. Dircd. 12. If Melancholy be the caul of the trouble(which is very ordinary) it will be neceffary, r. Well to underffand it : And a. To koiw the cure : Of which, having fpoken more largely elfwhere, I fhall now give you only this brief in- formation. r. The figns of this Melancholy are,overftretched,confufed,, ungovernable thoughts ; continual fear, and inclination to defpair, and to cry out, undone, undone; I am forfaken of God ; the day of grace is pat"( ; I have finned againfl the Holy Ghofi ; never auy mans cafe was like mi .e ! And ufually their íleep is gone or broken, and they are enclined to be alone, and to be alwaies muting, with their confounded thoughts ; and at T t t a lift