Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

516 The Life of Faith. lait arc tempted to blafphcmous thoughts, againft the Scri- ptures, and thc life to come, and perhaps urged to utter Tome blafphcmous words againft God ; and it it go to the highctt, they arc tempted to famithor make away thcmfelves. z. The cure of it lycth a. In fctting thofe truths before . them, which tend molt to quiet and fatisfic their minds. a. In engaging them in thc confiant labours of a. calling, in which bothmind and body maybe employed. ?. In keeping them in fit and chearful company which they love, and fuffcring them to be very littlealone, 4. In keeping them from mufing, and that meditation or thoughtfulncfswhich to others is molt . profitable, and a. duty. 5.. Keeping them from overlong fe- ud prayer (becaufe they arc unable for it, and it dothbut con- found them, and difablc them for other duties ;) and let them be the more in other duties which they can bear. 6. And íf. the (late of their bodies require it, Phyfick is necefïary, and bath donc good to many (ifrightly chofene) Dire, 13,. rake heed of [echi i, carnal, bafly expeaations of comfortfrom thebare words ofany man; but ufcmens advice only to diretiyou in that wiy, where, by patience and faitbfulnefr, you maymeet- with it in duefcafen.. Nothing is more ufual with filly fouls, than to go to this or thatexcellent Miniftcr, whom theydcfervedly adroiirci and to look that with an hour or twos difcourfc, he thould comfort, them, and let all their joynt : And when they find that it is not donc, they either defpair, or turn to the next de- ceivers, and fay, [l rryed thebell of them : And if fuck amats, cannot do it, noneof them can do it,] But, filly foul, do Phy- (leians ufe to charm men into health ? Wilt thou go and talk, anhour with the ablett Phyfician, and fay, that bccaufe his talk doth not cure thee, thou wilt never go to a Phyfician more, but go to ignorant people that will kill thee ? Thou, haft then thyown deferving ; even take the deathwhich thou haft choten, and drinkas thou haft brewed. The work ofa, Minifter is not tocure theealwaies immediately, by.comfort. able words. (What words can cure an ignorant, melancholy, or uncapable foul !) But todíre6l thee in thy duty, and in the ale ofthofc means, which ifthou wilt faithfully andpatiently prat5tife, thou (halt ccrtainly,be curcd in die time ® If thou, wat