Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 517 wilt Life. the Phyfic #:, dyet and exercife, which thyPhytician doth prcfcribe thee, it is that which mulá rettore thy health and comfort, and not the laying over a few words to thee. If thou lazily look that other mens words or prayers thould cure and comfort thee without thy own endeavours, thou mayeft thank thy fell when thou art deceived. DireF.t. 14. 7beprincipal means of comfort is to live in the exercife ofcomfortable duties. Faith, Hope, and efpecially the Love of God, are duties which are inmansfelicity, And the exercife of there in Praifes and Thanksgiving, arc theproper pleafureof the foul. Give up thy fell wholly to Rudy the Goodncfs and Love of God in Jcfus Chritt, till thou feel thyheart enflamed with bis Love, and fpcnd half thy godly conference in Gods praifcs, and half thy daily prayers in that, and in thankfgiving; and this will com- fort thee not only by the reafoning way of evidence ; but as a feaft plcafcth thy taffe. and as the fire warmeth thee, or as the loving of thy friend delightetb thee, or as-health it fell is the pleafure of thy kWh. As the fins thcmfclves of not knowing God,not lovinghim, nor delighting in him, are the greateft part of the penalty, or rather mifery of the (inner (which bath its peculiar wayof re- miLlion) fo the knowledge, and love, and praife of God, and delighting in him, is inflead of reward unto it felt, and a be ginningof Heaven to the heavenly Believer. Dired. 15, Dwell much in Heaven, if you would dweá' in, comfort. Comfort your felves and one another wish tbefe word:, that we /hallfor ever be with the Lord: Heaven is the place or Elate of our everlafling comfort, and all that we have here mutt come from thence : And Faith, and Hope, and Love mull fetch it : He that will have carnal joy, mutt go for it eopaffime, or tuffs and pleafure, toan ále -boufe, or a Whore, or to a Game ing- houfe,or a Play- boufe, or to his weal h and worldly ho. nours : But he that will have heavenly joy, mutt go for it by Faith to Heaven; and dwell there every day by Faith, where hehopes to dwell for ever. Heaven will not comfort either ehem that believe it not, or them that remember it not; but them whore converfatien and hearts are there, Phi!. 5. 2t Zr. T t t 3 Vaaft.