Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

518 The Life of Faith. DireLi. t 6. Set your (elves wholly to do good Refolpe that you will be faithful toQuill, and do all the good that you can in the world, and let hitru'do withptt what he will: And- in this way you ihall quickly find, that the fr: r ti's: s.onfolation will corne in to your fouls,befhre you could "i it. Though no worksof our own can add any thing to C.. aYor muff be nulled toat all, in a legal fenfc ; and though u!ind Libertines tell you, that all comfort is legal and unfound, which carne by the thoughts ofany thing in your (elves, or anyofyour own doings ; yet God is no filch enemy togodlinefs, but he that will hereafter judge you to Heavenor Hell according to your works, will now judge you to joy or forma, of heart, ufually according toyour works : Well doing [hall afford you peace, an ill.doeng hall ehfgaics you, when all is laid, Dire&. 17. Latìly, Be fun, wbileyou want thecomforts of affurance, to bold faff theft comforts which rationally belougto common grace, and to them that have the fofpel offers offalvation. When the Golpelcame toSamaria, 4f s 8. there wasgreat joy in that City. It is glad tidings in it felf, for guilty fouls to have Chrifi and pardon freely offered to them. Can younot fay, I am lure that I am regenerate, juffified and adopted ? For all that, if you be not Infidels, you can fay, lam lure that 0briff, andPardon, and Heaven, arefreely offeredmc, and suli:aifters are comnaiToned to intreat me to accept it ; andnothing but mywilful andfinal refufal can depriveme of it, and flout me out. This is certain ; take but fo much comfort as tilt much fhould ra- tionally ¡rfen. To which I might add, the comforts of your probability, when you are in Tome degree of hope, that your faith and re. pcntance are fircere, though you arc not certain : But this I have more largely fpoken of (and the rat which is needful to be fpokcn on this fubje&) in the fore-named Trcacife ions ago. The ordinary and long troubles and unfetrlednefg 5fhonefi Chriftians, arc caufed molt r. By unskilful Guides, who arc rnoft confident, where they arc moll ignorant, and revile thole Truths and Methods which God bath appointed for the fettling of mens peace: 2. And by their own lazyand unskilful coutfc ; who take up moil with examining and complaining,