Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 519 complaining, in(icad of learning more underftanding in Gods Methods, and diligent amending what is ¡mils, that the caufe of them trouble might be taken away. CHAP. XXi. How to live by Faith in tbe PublickIl orfhipping of God. May not be lo tedious (nor do that which is done elle where) as to dived you in the feveral parts of Worjhip daffinúly ; but (hall only give you fome brief Directions about Publickwerfbip in the general. Direr . r. Come nor before God with Pharilaical conceits of the worthinefi ofyour fives, or Worfhíp, as ifyou offered hint fometbing which did obligehim : But come as bumble receivers, that need him and his grace, whoneedetb not you ; andas learners that bops to be wifer andbetter by drawing veer to God. You know Chrifis inftance of the prayers of the Pharifee and the Publican :And remember that many a ones heart faith, I thank thee Lord that I am not as other men, or as tbnPub- lican, whole tongue can fpend anhour or'more in fad confef- fions ; yea and that it is thole very copious confef ions of their badnefs, that puff them up as ifthey were fo good. Yea many a one that in opinion is molt vehement againft all our works in our Juffification, or looking at any thing in our[elves at all, to make us acceptable with God, as being againft free grace in Chrift, doyet look fo much at that which is (or is conceited to be) in themfelves, that few Churches on earth are thought worthy of their communion. Note alto that it isfacci f sing which is commonly the Hypo- crites Wort-hip in the Old Teftament, and hearing and obeying which he neglceteth, and God calls him to As you may fee at large in Ifa. t. throughout ; and many other places, Pfal. 40.6. Sacrifice andoffering thoudi4f rest require : Mine ears half thou opened, tic. So Pfal. 50. 3, 9, &c. I will not reprove tbeefor thy faccifiver andburnt offerings, to have been oontinuaUy before Me ; I MilPak, stn bulleckout of thy hou¡e For eve- . ry beaft oftbe Foreff is mine, etc. If I tvcrc hungry, I would nos dell