Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

522 The Lifè of Fa:th. God will not hear you : Look off your Book, and read not or learn not the words, faith another, or God will not hear you. Bat oh lamentable, that both of them tremble, not thus to abufe God, and add unto his Word, and to prophetic or fptak (ably again({ thcir brethren in his Name ; nor to re- proach the prayers which Chrifi prefenteth from his fervants to the Father, and which (notwithflanding their dtfet`s), are his delight l' Dire. 3. Offer God nothing as worfhip, which is con- trary to the perfeiiion of bis Nature, as far as you can avoidit: And yet feign not that to be contrary to his nature which he commandeth. For then it is certain that you mifundcrftand tither his natureor command. Dirto4. 4. Never come to tke Father but by the Son ; and dream not of any immediate acccfs of a timer unto God, but wholly trufl in Chrifls mediation. Receive the Fathers will from Chrifl your Teacher, and his commands from Chrift your King, and all his mercies from Chrifi your@Hcad, and the Treafury oíthe Church, and your continual Interceffor withGod in Heaven. And put all your prayers, praifes, du- ties, alms, into his hand ; that through him alone they maybe accepted of God. Dired. 5. Underfland well hewfar theScripture is a parti- cular Rule (as to the fi bilance ofGods Worthip) and how far it is only a general Rule (as to the circumfiances) that fo you may neither offer God a Worfhip which he will not accept; nor yet rejeO or oppofe all thole circumfiances as unlawful, which are warranted by his general commands : (Of which Q have laid enough elfe where.) Direa. 6. Look f rff andmoll to the exercifeof inwardgrace, and to theßiritualpart of Worfhip (for God will be worthip- cd in fpirit, and in truth, and hateth the Hypocrite, who of- fcreth him a carkafs, or empty thell, and ceremony, and pomp, or length of words, inked of fubflance; and draweth neu himwith the lips, without the heart :) And yet in the fccond place, look carefully alto to your words, and order,and outward behaviour ofthe body:For God muti be honoured within/and body. And order and reverend folemnity is both a kelp to the affeilionsof the foul, and a fit exprefflon of them, Nava