Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. Never forget that hypocritical dead formality, and ignorant, jelfconceited,fanatical extravagancies, arc the two extreams by Which the Devil bath laboured in all ages, to turnChri(is Worfbip againft him, and to de(iroy the Church and Reli- gion by fuch falfc Rcligioufncfs. The poor Popich Formalifts on one fide, mortifie Religion, and turn it into °a carkafs , a comely Image that bath any thing fan life. And the Fanaticks on the other fide, do call all the enormities of their proud and blu(fering fancies by the name offyiritual devotion; and do their wort( to makeChri- flianity tokern a ridiculous fancy to the world Efcape both there extrcams, as ever you will cfcape the dithonouríng of God, the dividing, and difturbing, and corrupting of the Church, the deluding ofothers, and the difappointing and de- ceiving ofyour (elves. Dina. 7. Negletl not any helps which you canhave, by the excellent gift! of any of ChriJ{s Minitiers or flocks ; andyet take beedtbattbrough prejudice, or for thefaults of either, you vilific or rejetí nothing which is of God. But carefurydiflinguijh between Chri(fsand theirs. Communion with the boliefi andpureft Affemblics, is more defirable than with the lefs pure, But yet all that is lefs de- ferablecomparatively, isnotfimplyunlawful, nor to berejeded The labours ofan abler and more faithful Mtniftcr, are much tobe preferred before theirs that are lets able and faithful For God workethufually according to the aptitude of the means, and of the receiver. To the recoveryand falvation of a foul it is neceffary, a. That the Vlnderffanding be made wife: 2. That the Heart or Will be fanhified by Love. 3. That the Lifebe holy and obedient. To thefirff of thefe there arc three things needful ; a. That the Vnderffanding be awakened: 2. That it be duminated ' ;. That it be preferred from the fedudion of temptations to deceit. Now an able and faithful Paftor is flitted to all thcfe effeâs: r.He is a livelyPreacher toawaken theunderftanding : 2. He is a clear, intelligent, methodical and convincingTeacher, to illu- minate its 3. He can confute gainfayers, and refute objefions,' andMarne the cavils of tempters-and deceivers topreferve it UUu x And 523