Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

524_ The Life of Faith. And a. He fpeakcth all from the unfeigned Love ofGod andmen ; and as all his words do breathe forth Love ; fo they arcapt to kindle fuch love in the hearers : For every waive nature tendcth to propagation. 3. And the bolinefs of his life, as well as doctrine, tendeth to win the people to a holy life : So that he that loveth his own foul, muff not be indifferent what Pallor he chufeth for the help and condu& ofhis foul ; but thould molt carefully leek toget the bell or fitteft for fuch neceffary ends. But yet it followeth not that a weaker or worfe may not be heard, or may not be accepted or fubmitted to, in a cafe of necellity ; when a better cannot be had, without more di- fturbance and hurt than the benefits are like to recompence. And when we live under fuch a weak, or cold, or faulty Paftor, our care mull be fo much the greater, that we may make up that in the diligence of our attention, which is want- ing in his manner ofexprel ion ; and that we make up that in a care ofour own fouls, which is wanting in his care a And that our knowledge of his failings tempt us not to flight the truthwhich he dclivcrcth; and that we rejcdnot the matter for the manner : The Sheep of Chrift do know bis voice, and they know his words, and reverence and love them,from what mouth foever they proceed. A Religious zealous man that preacheth falfe dotïrine, is more robe avoided, than a cold or f andaleue man who preacheth the truth. Ifyoudoubt of this, obfervc thife texts. Matth. 23. 2, 3. The Scribes and Pharifers fit in !Moles feat ; AD therefore whatfoever they bidyou obferve, that obferve and do hut do not ye after their works, for they fay and donot. Ads 1. 17. For be (Judas) was numbred with us, and bad obtainedpart of tbie Miniffry. Judas the thief and traitor was stt Apotile, called and fent out by Jefus Chrift. Phil. e. 15, &c. Some indeed preach Cbriff evenof envy and firife, and fore alfo of good will. The one preach Cbriff of con- tention, not fincerely, fuppofing to add a ?,tion to nay bonds---- what then ? Not withffanding every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Chriff 'i preached, andIdo therein rej'yce, yea and will rejoyce------- Rom. 16 , 17. Now 1 befeecb you brethren, 1Vlurkthiss which eaufe.