Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 5 2 5 eaufe divifions and ofaces contrary to the aof#rine which ye have learned, and avoid them--- Ads 20. 3 o. Ofyour own [elvesAdmenwife, fpeaking per- verfe things, to draw away Difciples after them. Gal. r. 7, 8. If we or an Angel from Heaven bring another Goffel, let himbe accUrfed- -- Is not all this a plain decifion of thecafe Direcl. 8. While youprefer local communion with thepureff Churches, and be/f taught and ordered, for your own edification, take heed that you difora not a giant and mental communion with anypart of the Church ofChriff on-earth, which Cbriff him- (elf difowneth not. But firft remember that you are members of the Vniverfal Cburcb, and as fuch in mental communion with the whole, prefent your (elves and ferviccs toChrif ; and next as members of your Particular Church. It is true, that you mutt not own the corruptions of any Church, or of any of their Wor(hip ; but you mutt own the Church it Pelf, and own all the fubfianceof the Worfhip which is good, and which God owncth. God doth not reject the matter for the manner, nor the whole, for afault, part, where the heart is fincere that offereth it : nor no more mutt you. And if they force you not to any actual tin (as by falle fpeak- ing, fubfcribing, or the like) you mutt fometimes allo locally joyo with fuch Churches, when exertion requircth it : (As when youhave no better to go to, or when it is neceffary to thew your mental communion, or to avoid fchifm, fcandal or offence.) As you muff not approve of your ownfallings in Gods Worihip (as in the manner ofpraying, preaching, tr.c.) and yet muff not giveover worfhipping God, though you arc alwaies lure to fail ; even fo mutt you do by your communion with others. And here I would carnefy intreat all thole that are in- clinable to finful feparation, to think but ofthere few things. r. What is more contrary to Chrittianity than Pride? and what is a plainer fignof Pride, than to fcparate from whole Churches (andperhaps from moti part ofthe Chrittian world,. for fuch faults as are nogreater than others. of our own ? and to fay, They are too bad for filch as you to communicate with t gl,u u 3 ae Whether,