Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5 2 6 The Life of Faith. s. Whether it be not much contrary to that clemency of Jefus Chritf, by which he pardoneth the failings of Believers ? and which we have needof our felves as well as others ? And whether it be not an horrid injury to our Lord, to afcribe hie inheritance to the Devil, and to eaft thofe out of his Church whom hehirnfelfreceiveth, and to deny fo many of his fee- vants to be his ? 3. -How great a lofs is it, to lofe your part in all thofe prayers of the Churches (how weak focver) which you difown ? And how can you ju(íly expect the benefit offuch prayers? I would not take all their riches for mypart of the benefit of thole prayers of the Churches of Church, which fume rcjed becaufe they are extemporate, and others becaufe they arcforms, or bookprayers, or impaled; nor would I take all their wealth and honour, for my part in all the prayers ofthe Vniverfal Church, which arc guilty ofmore diforders, tautologies, un- meet expreflions, and manifold defec`,ts, than any that I ever yet heard from thofe Miniftcrs that pray either by habit or book. DireE1. 9. Take heed both of carelefnefs and curiofty in the worfhipping of God. Avoid carelefnefs, becaufe it is propbane. tuft andcontempt : Therefore watch againf idlencts of mind, and wandering thoughts, and remember how great a work it as, to (peak to God, or to hear from him about your ever. Wing tiate. And yet curiofity is aheinous fin : When ; men are fo nice, that unlefs there be quaint phrafes, and fine cadencies and jingles, or at lean a very laudable flyle, they naufeare all, and arc weary ofhearing a homely tlyle, or common things: when every unmeet expreffion, or tautology of the fpeaker, doth turn their Romachs againft the wholefomett food. This cu- riofity cometh from a weak and an unhealthful [fate of foul. Dirac% so. Latily, Let your eye ofFaithbe all the while up- on the heavenlyHoff, or Church triumphant : I remember bow they worfhipGod : withwhat wifdom, and purity, and fervour ofLove, and facredpleafure, and with what unity, and peace, and concord t And let your Worfhip be as much compofed to the imitation ofthem, as is agtceablo to the likenefs of our condition unte theirs. These