Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 517 There is no hypocrifie, dulnefs, darknefs, errours, fellcon- ceïtcdnee, pride, divifion, fanion, or uncharitable contention: Ohhow they burn in Love to God ? and how tweet that Love is to themfctvcs? and how thofc fouls work up in heavenly foyer to the face of God, in all hispraifes. Labour as it were to jrya your (elves by faith with them, and as far as (landeth with your different cafe, to imitate them. They are more imitableand amiable, than the puret Churches upon earth. Their love and blared concord is more lovely, than our un- charitable animofitics, and odious fadions and divifions are. And remember allo the time when youmull meet all thole upright fouls in Heaven, whole manner of Wen thip you vili- fied, and fpake reproachfully of on earth, and from whole communion you turned away : And only confider how far they (hould be dilowned ", who muti be dear toChrifi and you for ever. The opendifowning and avoiding the ungodly and feandalour, is a great duty in due feafon, when it is regularly done, and is necefjary to cati _Pane on fin and limners, and to vindicate the honour ofCbriffianity before the world. But otberwife it is but made an infirument of pernicious pride, and of divifions in the Church, and of hindering the fuccetfes of the Golpel og Chrifi. CHAP. XXIl._. Mow to pray in Faith. Dialling by all the other particular parts of Wotihip as. handled elfewhere (in my, Chritlian Dircnory) I (hall only briefly touch the duty of prayer ; efpecially as inpri, ware. Dire&. r. Let your heart leadyour tongue, and be the faun, tainofyour words; and fifer not your tongues in a cuffontary vo- lubility to overrunyour hearts. Defirefull, and pray next; and remember that defire is thefoul ofprayer ; and that the heart- fearching God doth hatehypocrifie, and will not be mocked,, Math. 6. 1,3,4. Drc