Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

528 The Life of Faith. Diseét, 2. Yet do not forbear prayer, becau e your defires are not fo earneft as you wouldhave them. For .vin good dc- tires ate to be begged of God : 2. And fuels defires as you have towards God, muff beexercifed and exprefï'ed. 3. And this is the way of their ufual increafe. 4. And a prophane turning away from God, will kill thofe weaiu defires which you have, when drawing near him in prayer, may revive andcherifh them. Dire6}. 3. Remember f1í11 thatyoupray to a heavenlyFather, who is readier to give, thanyou are to receive or ask Ifyou knew his Fulnefr and Goodnefs, how joyfully would you run to him, and cry Abba, Father ? John 20. 17. Luke t2.3o, 32. Mark r s. 25. Matth. 6. E, 32. Dite& 4. Go boldly to b nri.n the Name ofChriff alone. Re- member that he is the onlyWay and Mediatour. When guilt and confcicnce would drive you back, believe the fufficiency of his facrifice and attonemu t. When your weaknefs and un- worthinefswould difcoura;c you, remember that no one is fo worthy, as to be acceptedby God on any other terms, than ChriftsMediation. Corne boldly then to theThrone ofGrace, by the newand living way, and put your prayers into his hand, and remember that heflill livetb remake interceftonfor you, and that he appearetb beforeGod in the bigbelf, in your caufe, hieb. 10.19. Ephe1.3, r 2. Rom.5.. Heb.9.z4, Sc 7. 25, 26, Dire&. 5. Defire nothing in your hearts which you dare not prayfor, or which is unmeet for prayer : Let the Rule ofPrayer, be the Kulaofyour Defires. And undertake no bufincfs in the world, which you may not lawfully pray for a bleffing on. Direét. 6. Defire and pray teGod,firff, for God himfelf, and nothing lower; andnext for all thofe fpiritual bierings in Cbriff, árhieb mayfityou for communion with him. And lafily, fewcor- poral mercies, as the meansPb theft, Matth. 6.33. Pfal.q.2.1,2,3, $cc. Pfal.73. 25, 26. Dircd. 7. Pray only for what is promifed you, or you are commanded topray for : And make not promifes toyour felves, and then look that God thould fulfil them, becaufe you confi- dently believe that he will do it ; and do not fo reproachGod, as to call fuch feltconceits and expe6}ations, by the name of a particular Faith : For where there is no word , there is no faith. Dircá.