Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. _ _ 529 Dire&. 8. What God bathprennifed,confidentlyetepeì;though youfeel no anfwer at the prefent. For molt of our prayers are tobe granted (or the things defred to be given) at the harvclt time, when we thali have all at once. Whether you find your (elves the better at prefent for prayer, or not ; believe that a word is not in vain, but you (hall reap the fruit ofall in Ica- fon, Luke IS. r, 7, 8. James 5. 7, 8. Dire&. 9. Let the Lords Prayer be the Rule, for the matter andmethod ofyour defires and prayers. But with this difference It muff alwaies be the Rule which your defires muti be formed to, both in matter and method. You molt alwaies f rft, and moft defire the hallowing of Gods Name, the coming of his King- dom, and the doing of his will on Earth as iris in Heaven,bcforc: your ownbeing, or well-being : But this is only a Rule for your General Prayers (which take in all the parts :) For when you either intend to pray only, or chiefly for tome one particular thing, you may begin with that, or be moft upon it. Therefore all Chriflians thould fpccially labour to under- nand the true fenfe and method of the Lords Prayer (which God willing, I hope elfewhere to open.) Dire&. io. Be more careful in fecret of your affeí'iions, than of the order ofyour words (yet chilling fuch as arc wet" to the matter, and littet to excite your hearts) But in yourfamilies or with others, be very careful to fpeak to God, in words which are apt, and orderly, and moving; and to do all with fuchskill, and reverence, and ferioufnefs, as tendcth (not toencreafc,but) to cure the dulncfs, hypocritic and unreverence of others, Ec- clef. 5. r, z. Math. 6.7, 8, 9,10, &c. Due&. I. Pray as earneftly as if God bimfelf were to be moved with your prayers : Yet fo as to remember, that the change is not to be made upon him, but upon you. As when the Boat-man layeth hold upon the bank, he drawerh the Boat to it, and not the bank unto the Boat. Prayer fttethyou to recene the mercy; both naturally as it cxciteth your defires after it, andmorally as it is a condition onwhich God hath prontifed to give it whenyoupray you tell God nothing which before he knew not better than you : But you tell him that in conf f fion andpetition, which he will bear fromyour own moues, be- fore he will judge you meet for the mercies which you are to pray for. X xx In