Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

33? The Life of Fait ,' And it is herefuppofcd, that the onlycondition prcrequifite en the Infants part, that hemay have right to this Covenant, and its bleffings, is that he be the feed ofa true Believer, and de- diaated in Covenant to God by the Parents will or all. Aeual Faith is not prerequired: Seminal grace may be inherent, but 1. Not known to the Baptizer : 2. Nor prercquired as a con- dition; but liker tobe given by vertue ofthe Covenant. No- thing elfe therefore being prerequifite as acondition, it fol. lowcth, that as the Parents dedicating themfelves to God, if h:.prized at age, is the condition of their_ certain title to the prefent bleffiags ofthe Covenant (viz. that Godbe their Father, Chriff their Saviour, and the Spirit in Covenant to operate in them to fantliftcatien, and theirfirs are all pardoned, and they are heirs ofHeaven) even fo upon the Parents dedication o f their children to God,tbey haveright to the fame blcflings;elfc why do we baptize them, feting Baptifm in the true natureand ufc of it,is a folemosdedicating them to God, in that fame Covenant,and a folemn inveJfing them in the relations and rights of that fame par- douixg Covenant, and not in any other. I donot fay that all baptized Infants, fodying, are Caved, be they the children of Infidels, or Hearkens, and remaining their true propriety; nor thofe that are offered and baptized never fo wrongfully, orhypocritically ; nor will I flay to difputc for what I have afl'erted. But i. I exhort Chriftìans believingly to dedicate their children in Covenant with God in Chrift And a. To believe that ifthey fo dye, that Covenant of Chrift forbiddcth them to doubt of their flvation. Dirc i. q,. Letyour Duty be enfwerable to your hope : And do not onlypray for your childrens fantïiftcation, but if they live, endeavour it by allp -, ffhle care, ina wife and godly education Remember that nature, and your dedicating them to God, Joboth obligeyou to this care for their falvation, And that the education of children, is one of the greatelfduties in the world, for the fervice of Chrifl, and the profperity of Church and State: And the neglcdof it, not the fmalleft cauteof the ruine ofboth, and ofthe worlds calamity. Many a poor, fottifh, lazy Profeffor have I known, who cry out againftignorant, dumb andunfaithful Miniffers, as guiltyof the bloodoffouls, and arc fo religiose, as to feparate from the