Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faitb, 533 the Aifemblics that have Miniders that are but partly fuck ; when as their own children are almoft as ignorant as Heathens, and they only uie them to a few cudomary formal duties(while they think they are enough againff forma) and turn over the chief care of their índruetion to the Schoolmafier. And are thentfelvest ignorant, dumb and idle; unfaithful and unnatural to their poor childrens fouls, as that it is a doubt whether in a well- ordered Church they ought not to be denycd commu- nion themfelves. They fo little pradife, Deut. YL 18, 19. x 6.7. Epbef. 6.4., &c. Dire6 . g. Ifyour children live to the flefb in an ungodly courfe of life, contrary to the Covenant which by you they made, they forfeit all the benefits of the Covenant : Andyou can have no aflurance by any thing that you can do for them, that ever they foal be converted (though it is not pall hope.) And if they be con_ vertedat age, their pardon and adoption wit! be the effell of Gods Covenant, as then it was newly entered with tbemj lees, and not as it was madebefore for them in infancy. Direáf. 6. Ye becaufe that jfii! while there is life, there is hope, you ought not by defpair or negligence to omit prayer, ex- hortation, or anyother duty which youcan perform in order to their recovery : And though now they have wills of their own, their falvation is not laid fo much upon you, as it was in Infancy, at their fiat covenantingwith God ; yet dill God will (hew his love to his fervants in their feed ; and faithful endeavours arc not vain nor hopelefs; and therefore it is 1h11 one of your greateft duties in the world, to leek their truere covery to Chrid. Dire1. 7. If God ,take your children a fcourge, or a heart- breaking to you , bear and improve it as becomes Believers That itr; I. Repent of your own former fin; your own youthfull lofts; your difobedience to your parents; your carnal fond- nefs on your children ; your loving them toamuch, and God too little ; the evil examples you have given them and your manifold neglea ofa prudent, feafonable, earned, unwearied intruding them in godlinefs; your bearing with their (in, and giving them their ownwills, till they were mafìerlcfs,&c.. Renew your Repentance, and you have got fcrne benefit. 147 x ? ., Think