Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 5 3 5 CHAP. XXIV. How by Faith to order our Afeïlions to publick Societies, and the unconverted world. Dire. i. TAke heed that you lofe not that common Love whichyou awe to mankind, nor that defire ofthe increafe of the Kingdom ofC'briff, which muff keep up in you a confiant compaffion to the unconvertedworld, viz. Idolaters, In- fidels, and ungodly Hypocrites. It is pittiful to observe the unchri(lian fenflefnefs of moll zealous Profeftors of Religion in this point :Though God hath purpofely put the three publick Petitions MR in the Lords Prayer, to tell them what they mutt fill and molt defre, that is, the hallowing of his Name, and the coming of bis Kingdom, and thedoing of bie Will on Earth as it is in Heaven; yet they fcem not to underffandit, or to regard it: But their thoughts and delires arc as felfifh, and private, and narrow, as if they knew nothing what the World or the Church is, or cared for neither. Their mind and talk is all of their own matters, for body or foul, or of their fcveral Parties and particular Churches; or ifany extend his careas far as this fpot of Land in Brittain and Ireland,or Come of the ReformedChurches,they go further than their companions ; their jelves, and their fide or party is almoti all that molt regard : Perhaps the poorfcatrered Jew have a few words in the prayers of Come ; but the miferable cafe ofthe vast Nations of the Earth, who Teem to be forfaken of God is neglcd}ed by them. Five parts in fix of the earth arc Heathens and Mahometanes : and of the fixth part, the Proteflantsare but about a fixth, compared with the poor ig- norant Abbaffines, Armenians,Syrians,the Greek Churches,and the Papifis; (to fay nothing what the moll of the Protestants themfclves are.) Yet are almofi all these put by, with a ward or two, or none at all, in the daily prayers of moll Profeffors And it is rare to hear any to pray with any importunity for their converfion. Is this mens love to mankind ? Is this their love to the KingdomofChrili ? or toGod andGodliness ? Is God of as narrow a mind as you ? Are you and your party all .