Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

536 The Life of Faith. all the world, or all the Church ? or all that is to be regarded and prayed for ? Direatt, 2. Donot only pray for them, but fludy what is with. in the reach ofyaur' power to dofor their converfion. For though private men can do little in companion of what Chriftian Princes might do who naafi not be told their duty by fuck as L) Yet fomewhat might be donc by Merchants and their Chap- if skill and zeal were well united ; and fornewhat tntht be done by writing and tranflating fuch books as are fìttefl for this ufc " And greater matters might be done, by training "up Tome Scholars in the Perfian, Indo/tan, Tartarian, and "fuch other languages, who arc for mind and body fitted foe "that work, and willing with due encouragement to give up " thernfelves thereto. Were fuch a Colledge ended, natives " might be got to teach the languages: and no doubt but " God would put into the hearts of many young men, to de- " vote themfelves to fo excellent a fcrvice ; and of many rich " men, to fettle Lands fufficient tomaintain them; and many " Merchants would help them in their expedition. But whe- ther thofe that God will fo much honour, be yet born, I know not, Dire. d. Pray and labour for the Reformation andConcord of all the Chriflian Churches ; as the me probable means to win to Chrifl the world of Heathens and Veibeltevers. If the Proteulant Churches were more pure and peaceable, more holy, and more unanimous and charitable to each other, it would do much to win the Papifis that arcnear them : And ifthe Papifts, and Greeks, and Armenians, andAbaffìnes were more reformed, wife and holy, it woulddo much to win the Heathens and Mahometanes round about them. They would be the fait of the earth, and the lights of the world, and the leaven which mutt leaven the whole lump : The neighbouring Mahornetanes, and Heathens, would fee their good works ,and glorifie God, Mattb. y. a6. A holy, barmlcfs, loving converfa- tion,ie a Sermonwhich men of all languages can under/}and : Thus as Apofiles we might preach tomen of feveral tongues, though we have bat one. O that the fancifying Spirit would teach Chriflians this art, and reform and unite the Churches of Chriff, that they might be no longer a fcandal, to hinder the Caving