Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. where they are kept in prifon till the great Aulizcs, and where they are referved in chains of glarknefs, to thejudgment of the great day, and where they are tormented before tie time, 2 Pet? 2.4. Jude 6.Matth, 8.29. Look then from this Dungeon,to the glorious incomprehen- fible manfions of the holy ones ; and judge by them, and not by Ibis prifon, of the goodnefs and infinite benignity ofGod. And if he will give fo many obftinate dcipifers ofhis grace, a place with thofe Devils that did feduce and rule them, think not God tobe thereforeunmerciful ; but beholdhis mercy in the in- numerable vr,(fels of honour and mercy, that (hall pofl'e{s the higher manfions for ever. CHAP. xxv. 5;9 How to live by Faitb in the love of one another, again}I Self- love. Dire&. I. T Et Faith fir(t employ you in the knowledge of JL, God : andwhenyou know bim who is Love it fel f, you will belt learn of him to love. You will ice that that is befit, which is like(t untoGod ; and that is worft, which is molt unlike bins. And when you confider how univerfally, though varioully, heloveth hiscreatures, and how he exprclíeth it, and howhe lovetb benevolently, becaufe be is good, and loveta co,nplacentiaily, becaufe alto the thing is good which he lovetb, you will learn the art of lovefrom God, Rom. 9. 13: Deter. 4.37.&7.S. &23.5. & 33.3. Pb" I 3.16,17. &4.7,9, I I, 12,19,20,21. Dire6t. 2. Study Jorge Cbrift arigbt, andyou willalto learn to love ofbint.Therc you will fce Self. denying Love; which ftoop- cd to earth, to reproach, tofuffarings, to labours, to dcath,and fparednot life or any thing to dogood : It is the chief Lefton which you go to School to Chrift to learn : And it is as propel to go to him to learn to love, as it is to go to the Sun for light, 5.8. ?obit 13.34.. I Tbef, 4.9. 7obn 11.36.5. & 15.1. & t5.9. Epbef. 5. a, 25. Ian 15. 12. VICE . 3. KnowGod in bis Works and bnage, anal then yott Yyy2