Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5.40 The Life of Faith. will fee bim in his natural Image, in all mess as rational, and in his moral'Intage in all his Saints ; and then you will t c what to love, and why. He that cannot fee God in a glafs in this world, cannot fee him at all, and cannot love him, remember that it is in his Cernants and creatures, that he expofeth him- fell to be Peen, and known, and loved, I Joh.zIo, & 3,1o, 4, & 4. 7,8,23,21. &5. t. Mattb. 25.40, Dircd., 4. Abhor that proudmalignant cenforioufüefe, which às apt tt make the wor(f ofothers, and rodeny, andextenuate, and overlook,Godsgraces in them (as the Devil did by Job :) and which can fee nogoodnefs in them that are not eminentlygood. tor this is but the Devils artifice, to kill mens love to one another. Though hepretend the honour of Godlinefs, and the hatredof fin, when he telleth you, [fuch an one is an Hy.- pocsite, and ; fuch an one bath nothing but a form, aid no fs power of Godline: I can fee nothing of God in him ; alas, . they Are poor carnal people ;] all is but to defiroy your Love. And thus he mightily the malignant fpirit offr- pararion ; by whichhe can make you uncburch whole Churches, and unchriticn whole Towns and Parijhes, and all becaalc that you that are Jfrangers to them, andfee not their godlinefs, or hear of nothing eminent in them. But the world ofdividers will take no warning, any more than theworld of the pro- phane. Satan doth deceive them all. Dire5. 5. Abhor therefore the fin of backbiting and evil- !peaking ; and when you hear a malignant cenfurer thus un- chrifien and unchurch menwithout proof; behind their,backt, ifgentler reproofs will not ferve the turn, frown them away, and fay, [Get thee behind me Satan :] the acculer, ofthe lire thren, and the fpirlt of hatred, malteth it his work in the worldto detlroy.mens love to- one another ; end- he hath no fuch way to do it, as by making thcm kern unlovely to one another: And he that p:rfwadeth me that my neighbo,,r is not good, perfwadeth me that he is not lovely and fo perfwad- eth mefrom loving him, Prov, 25.23. Rom. r. 30. Pfal. 15. 3, $.Cot. I 2.20, Rom. iq. 3,e}, tá,I;. James 4. 11;12. Matth. 7. 14 2, I,Con 4, 5; Direct 6. Above all, feel foátartifte telftfhnefs, which it the eæt enemy ,of love.t®G.ód aild-mtn.. Afelffh man can faithfully 1®.ve.;