Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. love none but hirifelf; for he loveth all others but for bimfelf: Hisown opinions, interefts and ends, are the di!pofers of his Love. Therefore he never heartily loveth his enemy : no nor the heft, that do not honour him, but fcem to flight him. If any should negLd him,. or (peak hardly of him, or do him any real or kerning wrong, or be ofanother fide, againft his parry; or his caufe, no cenfures are too warp, nor no love too little. for fuch a one. And yet there that can love none heartily but themfclves, will find that they had no greater enemies than thcmfelves, and that Hell andEarth did not fo much as them- felves againfì them. Dáaef . 7. Subjeeiyour (elves truly to Gods authority, andbis commandswin further Love : For it is the fumm of them all, and the fulfilling ofhis Law, both old and new, Gal. 5 14. Rom. 13. 8, 9, t o. John 13. 34. & 15. 12, 17. Ma:th. 12. 30, 32, 33. Dire f. 8. Remember that Love is the bond, and life, and intereft of the Church, and of the world. Without hove the world would have neither unity, peace or fafety : What were a family without it ? Were it not for Lorc, men that were not kept fettered in Jaylcs, or Bedlams, would be as Robbers,, or Wolves, or mad Dogs to one another. Were it not for. Love, the Church would be crumbled into maliciesasSeas, that would Upend their time in prating and militating againfì each other ; and preach and talk down Love to one another ; and would call this devilyh work, the preaching of the Gofp.l, or the wor[hipping ofGod ; while they blafphcme him by offering him a facrhice of hatred and reviling, as they do that offer him a facrifice ofmans blood, Ephef 4.. 15, 16 But jpeakjiog the trtatb in Love, you maygrow up into hint inall things, which .ia the bead, even Chrift. Fromwhom thewholebody fitlyjoyned to- gether, and compaíied by thaat which every j yinfupplyetb,accord= Mgt() the effeEluEal working in the meafure of every part, mal(,etb increafe of thebody to the edifying of it (elfin Love. Yea their own Secs would turn to duff and atoms, if Love, which is there confined, did not Coder theta together, when. it is dead in them as to all others, or as to the moll. Dired'. 9. Love is our fpiritual health, and Selfifbitefs is our fic; ,refs,finanddeath. When we fell from the. Love of God to sun 11 y 3 (eyes,:, 5-4 t