Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. S 3 employment for my fell: And fo I fhould as cafily do for others : Whereas Want of Love loth make all tedious that Ido, and maketh my duty a continual burden,and too ofttn tempts me to omit it. Rove made both and his Apofiks to do fo much for fouls with cafe and pleafurc, which cite they could not have undergone,Jobn 15.13.9. 2 Cor. 12.:5. Ephef. 3;17. & 5. z Col. 2.2. 4. III love my neighbour as my fell, I can as eafily fuffer any thing from him, as from my Pelf. I can eafily bear that in my fell, as to fight or [well ; the loathfomeff (ores or ulcers,which others cannot bear. I am eafily brought to forgivemy fell, and to forbear felt-hurting, and [elf-revenge ; and fo fhould 1 do to others, if I thus loved them. And then how cafie would my life be among all the injuries ofthe world i 5. If I loved my neighbour as my fell; if my flcfh did want, my mind (which is my felt) could never be in want Becaufe all that my neighbours have it mine, as to my comfortand content. My boufe is hoì ely, but my neighbours is comely and convenient; and to my mind that is as comfortable, as if it were my own : My Land is (mall, but trey neighbours is large : my grounds are barren, but thyy.neigbbours fruitful : my corn is bad, but hie proves good : my cartel die, or profper not, but hie do well I am low and tfcfpicable, and no man careth for me ; but others areLords, and Princes, and honourable : and if I love them as my fell, their corn, their cattel, their laoufes and lands, their Kingdoms and honours, areas muchmy comfort, as if they were my own. I know thefe are Paradoxes to da- praved felfilh nature ; but thus it would be if Love were per- fu ; and thus it is in that meature that we love. And fhould that duty be taken for a burden, which as to my comfort mak- eth all the wealth, andhonour, and Kingdoms ofothers to be my own? Obj. Ifyou loveyour neighbours as your (elves, you muff mourn with them that mourn ; and all the calamities and furrows ofthe- world muff beyours ; which will overcomeyour ¡oyes. 44 1. I am not to forrowas much as they do forrow, but as- much as they rationally ought todo. And men are not to think'', that a loving corre£fion, which worketh for theirgood and fal- vorion, is worfethan the (hates of pxofp®tity; The brotherof. high