Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 545 if we do it all regularly as God requireth us. 6. 111 love my neighbour as my fell, I am freedfrom all the trouble of croft intereffs ; in buying.and felling, in trefpaffing, in Law - fuies; It will comfort me as much if be get by me, as if I get by him,: If boa bargain prove the better, as if mine did ; if be have the better at Law, as if it were judged to my jiff. Yea all his fucceffes, profperity, and whatever good betalleth any that I knowofin the world, will all be mine. 7. And I(hall never be lotb bydeath to leave the world (while, I have no caufe to fear the miffing of falvation) besaufe what- ever I leave behind me, will be poffeffedby fuch as I love as my felf. They will have life, and time, and health, and comforts, and whatever my nature is loth to leave : Thereforewhilctl I live, why fhoauld it not be as comforting to one to think that fo many (hall live and profper, whom I love as my fell, as if t were my felfto live and profper. 8. Yea, more than fo, I bave by Love a pars in the Joyce of Heaven, before I am a(uslly there. For the Joyes ofall thofe bleffcd fouls, and of thofc holy Angels, are mine bypartïcipa.. titan, fofar as to caufe me to rejoycc in their felicity, as ifit were my own, as far as I can nowapprehend it. Yea the Glory of the Lord Jefus, and the eternal bleffednefs of God himfelf, would rcjoyce us more than ourown felicity, ifwe loved him as much above our Calves, as weought to do, we thould partake ofour Mailers joy. And now judgewhether loving God as God, and our neigh- bours frncerely as our !elves, would not cure almofl all the cafe, mitics ofour minds, and give us a kindofHeaven, and be a cheap and certain way, to have what we can with in all the world, and even to make all the world our own. And whe- ther it be notfin it fell, which is the firff part ofall mens hell and mifery ? Obje& But my neighbours meat will not fill my belly ; nor bite bealtb doth not cafe my pain; nor bisfire keep meworm. Anfw. The flcth hath got the dominion indeed, when men . cannot ditlinguith between foul and body, between the pain and pleafures of the body and ofthe mind. I donot fay that Love, will change the pain or pleafure of your bodies, but of your minds.Your appataes will not be fatisfiedwith yourneighbours l z 7. t904