Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

546 The Life o Fait food, but your minds may be comforted to fee his welfare. Your pain is not eafed by your neighbourshealth ; but your minds may bepleafed by it, as much as if it were your own, if you loved him as much as you do your felt And therefore many in a danger have faved the life ofa Prince, a Captain,,a Parent, a Child, a Friend, with the voluntary lofs of their own. Obje6f. This is all true ; but who is there in the world that doth it, orftndeth it po f ble to love another as himfelfi' "Indbow can that be a duty,whieb is to nature itPelfan impoffïbilityi'There- fore let usfirf arrow what this duty is, of loving our neighbours as our felves. flnjsa. Doubtlefs if it be the fummof the Law,all true Chri- tlians do it in fincerity, though not in perfei'lion. And as to the fenfe of it, i. You mua diffinguith between thatfenfitive andpajonate affellion, which is in the foul as fenfstive; and is common to beajfs with max, and that rational appetite, which dothwill, and chufe, and is pleafed according to the condua (Apure reafon.. The fist we doubt not will be Rill more to our felves than others and it is not the fate ofgrace to detroy it, but to rule and moderate it. 2. You mull ditlingui(h between Love and outward allions, which are the cxprefions ofit. When our Love is duc as much to one, as to another, yet our outward a (ions may be under a particular Law, which obligeth us to do that for one, which we arc not bound todo for others. As to maintain our own chil- dren, families,'ervants, and fo our felves rather than others. And the reafon is, becaufe the difference ofindividuals maketh that it for one, which is not fit for another and fo maketh every man the fitte(lchurn. forbimfelf, and thofe that are neerejf to him; and nature intligatet.h him to the greateti care in doing it r And all good muff be done in a regular order, or elk con- lotion will d<aroy it. And nature maketh this moil orderlyAs every Parith mua keep their own poor, and yet mutt love other poor as well. 3. You muffknow that Love is formally nothing but Bona- placenee (as aforefaid) but Love joyned with a will and pur- pofe to do good to another, is called Love of benevolence ; when yet the Love there is one thing, and the doing good,or purpofe to