Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life 'of Faith. 547 do it, is another ; and I may in obedience to God, purpofe and domore good to one whom I ambound to Love, not more but Iefs. And now you may fee what it is to love ourneighbours as our fclves. r. God muß be loved above our neighbours and our felves ; and both muff be loved purely as related andfubordinate to him, and for bis fake. There is a double refped which all things have toGod : r. As they contain that excellency which he hath put upon them, which is tome likenefs, reprefentation or fig- nificationof himfelf; and is called his Glory (hiring in the creature ; that is, it's derivedGoodnefs. 2. As they conduce to his further fervice,and may honour him, and pleafe him. Thus all creatures muff be loved only as a means, even a means de- claring God, being derivatively and fgniftcantly good and ufeful; and as a means toferve andpleafe him. z. Therefore this being the formal reafon of our Rational Love, mutt alfo be themeafure of it (à quatenus ad quantum.) As it is certain that I muff love that bell which is beif, bccaufc I muff love it only as good ; fo it is certain that that is beß which hath moti likenefs to God, and molt ofhis Glory upon it, and that which is moil pleafrng to bim, and ufeful to his fervice. Therefore if my neighbour be better than I am, I mutt judge him better, and love bins better. 3. Though natural feltappetite, and felf-prefervation, by which all creatures arc for themfelves only (not feeling the hunger, cold, pain ofOthers) be notfinful, but the efid' of creating individuation, yet Reafon was perfelt, and the Will could pettedly follow Reafon, in its complacency and cboice,till fin corrupted it : Reafon could judge that beft which was belt, and the Will could love that belt which was belt. Therefore where ever any ofthis is wanting, it is fin. q,. The principal part orfumm of pofitive fin, doth conGff in felfifhnefs. Man is fallen from the Love of God and man, tobimJelf; and grace recovcreth him from this. Therefore it is, that this duty is not onlyunperformed, but hardly (Waned by unrenewed men : fo far as they are felfifh, they hardy be lieve that they fhould love their neighbours as them- felves. Zzz 2. 5. To