Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

54i .: The Life of Faith:` 5. To love our neighbours as our (-elves, in pointofduty, containeth there two things : Firft, To love themjiimply, ac- cording to their grodnefl, without any hinderance of felfffb,aeff or partiality: Not to forbear loving them, becaufe they are riot our felves, or becaufe they are againft any inordinate felfi h intereft or appetite ofour own. And alto comparatively, to love theta in the fame degree witb our felves, if they have the fame degree of lovelinefs ; fo that it cannot extend to the bind, and the end, and reafon of the Love, but it mutt needs alf_o extend to the degree. If I love him lefs than my felt, who is better than my felt, I love him not as raj (elf, as to ends and reafon. 6. Yea I am bound by this Law to love every man better or more than myPelf, who is really better, and is fo manifeff tome : Or elfe I love him not as myPelf, that is, on the fame true Rea - fins as I mutt lovemy felt (for God and the goodnefs of the. object.) 7. But as all men fail in the degree of this Love (and therefore none perfectly keep the Law ; ) fo the fincerity which all Gods fervants have, doch col-dill in this ; that a. Our love to others is for Gods fade, and for the goodnefs whichhe hath endued themwith, and the forvice they may do him. a. That this God and his fervice, for whofe fake we love theca, bepreferredbefore our felves, and everycreature, and loved better than all our frrnftol pleafures. 3. That our love to them for Gods fake and graces be fuch, as ordinarily in the exercife and a fetJ; will prevail againft our Love offentual intere'? and delights; and will bring us effeí'lually to fuccour, relieve, and do themgood, though to our flefhly !off, when God re- quircth it. He that cannot love Chritt in his fervents, better than his carnalpleafures, loveth him not at all fincerity. Gods Image and interett in his fcrvants, and in mankind, mutt be pra6ically more precious to us, and more beloved by us, than all our carnal ftnful pleafures. (For as for our own fpiritual good, it ttandeth in rush a connexion with Gods will and glory, and ourneighbours good,, that I know not how to.put thorn into comparifon in the tryal, much lefs in oppofstion.) .¢. ,That all carnal Pelf-love and unsbaritablenefs contrary to this, be bated, refilled, repented of, and fubdued, and be not predominant