Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5 5 2 The Life ofFaith. imperfcdgrace is in the belt. Alas I how firange arc many Chriftians to the extent of this duty, and how far arc we all from prodding it in any eminent degree ? 3, Wherein it is that natures corruption moil confifteth; and what is the chiefpart ofthe nature and work of fand,fy- ing grace and reformation. 4. Whence come all the oppreflions, injuries, perfecutions, frauds and cruelties on the earth : For want of loving mens neighbours as themfelves: Otherwife how tenderly would they handle one another ? How cáfly would they pardon wrongs ? How patiently woultfthcy bear the diffent of honett, upright Chriftians, whocannot force their judgments to be of other mens mould and fize ? How apt would men be to &- float their own underftandings, of weaknefs, prefuruption or errour, rather than to ravewith the fury ofthe Dragonagainft all others, who think them to he miftaken ? glow fafely and quietly might we live by them in th*world, if they loved, their neighboursas themfelves ? I donot now, How plen- tiful'would men bein doing good to others ? I am but plead- ing a lower caufe, How feldom they would be in doing hurt ? But, alas, miferable Brittain ! It was in thee that, one extra- ordinary Emperour,4lexander Severue'was betrayed and mur- dered, whomade that Chrifiian precept his Motto, and wrote it on his doors, and books, and;goods [Do asyoa would be done by.] In thee it is that Love bath been beheaded, while nothing bath been more acknowledged and profcífed. If Love be treacherous, hurtful, envious, fcandalous, enfnsring and plotting for mens deftruc ion : If Love teach proud and vici- ous lots, to take then-delves for Deities, and Oracles, and all for Vermine that muff be hunted unto death, who bow not to their carnal erroneousconceits, and do not with the readieft proftirute confciences, ferve their carnal intcrcfts and ends : If Love be known by reviling chofe that are touch better than our felves and ttigmatizing the faithfulle(t fervants of Chrift with themolt odiouschsraEer that lyes can utter : If it was Love that called Paula peftilent kllow, and a mover offedi- tion among the people, and reprefented Chrift as an enemy to Cafar and his followers, as the filth and off- fcouring of the earth then happy age inn which we lire; and happy they that