Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 553 that are poircf ed with the proud and fscticrs (Emit. But ifali be othcrwife, alas, where be they, and bow few that love their neighbours,or better', as themfilves ? 5. You fee here what aplague (in is to the earth, and how great (apuni/hment may I call it, or rather) a mifery to the fanner, and to the world. 6. And you fee how joyful and heavenly a life we fhould live, if we did but follow Gods commands : And what a fe- licity Love it Lillis to the Cod. 7. And you fee by what meafure to trymens fpirits, and to knowwho are the belt among all the pretenders to goodnefs in the world. Certainly not the molt cenforious, contemptu- ous, backbiters and cruel, that leek to make all odious that are not for their intereff : But thofe that moll abound in Love, which Faith it Collis given to produce. Objet&. Alt this is true ; but ifill we find it a thing inrpofbic to love our neighbour equally with our felves t Can you teach us bow to do it ? dInfw. It is that I have been teaching you in the ten Di- reäions before fit down: But it is this which I have referved to the;clofe that muff do the work indeed, and without it no- thing elfe will do ir. area. a s. Make it the work of all your lives, by Faith in Cbriff, to bringupyour fouls to the unfeignedLove of God,and then it will be done For then youwill love God above all, and love (trod in all; and love your [elves and your neighbours principally for God : Then Gods Image, and Glory, and Will, will be Goodnefs or Amiable refs in your eyes; and not carnal pleafure, honour or commodity. And then it will be eafie to you to love that moft,which hath mot} ofGod. You will them calily fee the rcafon of this firming Paradox, and that the contrary is moil unreafonable. You will then be as Timothy, who had a natural Love to others, as others have to them- Celves, and who fought the things of Jefus Chriff, whets all others (even the belt Minillcrs toomuch) foughttheir own,. Phil. 2. so, 21'. YOUwill underffand Pauls charge, Phil. 2.3,4. In low /inofs of mind, let each deem itbors better than then:feiwes. Look not every manon his own, but 'every man elfo on the things ofethers. Let tbie mindbe inyeu, whisk wasalfo in Cbriff jcfr4. A a a a Yoei