Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

554 _... T ii e o Fait . You will learn ofChrift to take your neerctt friend for a Sa- tan, that would perfwade you to fave or (pare your fell (yea your life) when you ought to lay it down for the Glory of God, and the good of many, Msttb, 16. 22, 23. SELF and OWN are words which would then be better underftood, and be more fufpeded : And the realen of the great Gofpel duty of SELF.DENTÁL would be better difcerned. Therefore fer your (elves to the Rudy of God, cfpecially in áris Goodnefs; Rudyhim in his Works, and in his Word, and in his Son, and in the Glory where you hope everlattingly to fce him: And if you once love God as God indeed,it will teach you to loveyour Brethren, and inwhat fort, and in what degree to do it. For many waits are we taught ofGod to love one ano- ther : Even r. By the great and heavenly teacher of Love, *us Chrifi : a. And by Gods own example, Marsh. 5 44,45. And by the (bedding abroad ofhis love in our hearts by the ;. pirit of Love, Ram. 5. 5. 4, And by this &dual loving God, snd fo loving all of God in the world. Obje& But by thie doOrine you wil' prepare for the Levellers tendFryers, to cart down, or cry down Propriety. Anfw. r. There is a proprict.y of food, rayment, &c. which äodividuationbath made necef ory. 2. There is a propriety ofStcwardfhip, which God caufeth by the various difpofal of his talents, and which is the jufi reward ofhumane induftry, and ;the neccfhary encouragement of wit, and labour in the world : Nona of thefe would we caff down, or preach down. d.. But there is a common alufe of propriety to themaintenance ofinens ownTuffs, and to the hurt ofothers, and ofall Societies : This we wouldpreach down if we could : But it is Love only which mutt be tle Leveller in the Primitive Church, Love flamed its power by loch a voluntary community, Aar 4. And all Politicians, who have drawn the Idea of a perfed Commonwealth, have been fumbling at other waies of ac- ,aomplifhing it : But it is Chriflian Love alone that muff do it. lanfeignedly love God as God, and love your neighbours real- lyas your fclves, and thenkeep your proprieties as afar as this will give you leave. L will concludewith this confiderable obfervation ; that thous i is lalfc which fo[itc &firm, that individuation is a punifhmatit