Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5S The Lijé of Faith. CHAP. XXVI. How by Faith to be foyowers of the Saints, and to look withprofit to their examples, and to their end. TiH E great work of living in Heaven by Faith,' have laid j, fomush of as to the principal part in my [ Saints Ref} ] that no moreof that mull be expec`fed here. Only this Cubit:45i which isnot fo ufually and fully treated of, to the people as it it ought (being one part of our heavenly converfation) I think meet to fpeak to more diflindly at this time. As we are commanded firli, to lockto Jefus the Author and perfec.ler ofour faith, Hcb. r z. a, 3. fo are we commanded to remember our guides, and to follow their faith, and confider the endof their converfation, Heb. 13.7. And not to be flltbful, but followers ofthem who through faith and patience inherit the pro- rnifes, Hcb. 6. 12. To which end we have a cloud ofwitneffcs fat before us, in Heb. 11. that next to Jails whom they fol- lowed, we thould look to them, and follow them, Yam. 5.1 a. My Brethren, take the Prophets for an example_.---- The Reafons ofthis duty are theft. a. God bath made them our examples two waits : 1. By hie graces, making them holy and fit for our imitation. He gave them theirgifts, not only fortb:mfelves, nor only for that pre- Pent generation, but for me allo, and all that muff furvive,to the end ofthe world. As it is faid ofAbrahams Juaificatiori,Rom. 4.23, 24. It was laid that Faith was imputed to him for rigb- seoafnefl, netfor bee fall alone, but for us alto to whom it (hall be imputed if we believe So I may fay in this cafe; their faith, their piety, their patience was given them,and is record- ed, not for their lalvation, or their honour only ; but alto to further the falvation of their poflerity, by encouragement and ïmitation. Oa things are for ourfakes,2 Cor.4, i5. then the graces ofGods Saints were for our fakes : For the Churches edification it is that Chrift giveth both offices, gifts and graces tohisMinitiers, Ephef. 4. 5, 12, 14, 15, 15. yea and fufkerings too, Pbil. i. 1 z,20. a Cor. .4)6. 2 dim. 2. 10,1endure all things far the eleAs fake, a, Iy