Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

558-- _ _ __.._ :__,._. _ . The Life of Faith® grace, and of the difference of the woruans and the Serpents feed, that their hitlory is ufcful to all generations. And Abel by his faith, and faerifice, and righteoufncfs, beingdead (by malignant cruelty) yetfpeaketh, Heb. 11.4. He that will but foberly look back to all the worlds experience, may quickly be refolved, whether wifdomor folly, labour or idlenefs, godli- nefs or ungodlinefs, temperance or fenluality, furthering the Gofpel of thrill, or pertècuting it, have fped better at thc and bath provedbell to the aLtors upon full experience. I than therefore here give you Come dirces# ions how you may believingly follow the Saints. And firll obferve that the duty bath thcfc parts, which you mull difinclly mind; a. To take them for your examples under Shrift, and fo to fix your eyes upon them, and look at them, andmind them as examples, mud be minded : 2. To improve thcfc examples which you look. upon : And that is, a. For your direllian in duty, and for your warning againti fin: z. To your encouragement andc®n folation. Dina. a. Lookafter them to their end, and confider r. Whi- ther they arc gone: We fee nothing of them after death, but the corpfewhich we leave in dull anddarknefs : But Faith can attend their fouls to glory, and fee where they now arc ; even with C//riff, according to his promife, John 12. 26. Pbil. 1.23. John 17. 24. with Angels, and with one another, in the hea- venly fociety, the City of God. 2. What they are doing : And Faith can fee that they are beholding God, and their gloished Redeemer, Matti. 5:8. Reb. 12.14.1 John 3.2. They arc loving God with perfect} Love, YCor. 12. & 13. 1, z, &c. They arc praifing him with per- fea alacrity and joy; laying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al- mighty, &c. Rev. 4. 8. They are fo far minding the (late of ,theworld, as tocry, How long, O Lord, holy and true, doff thou not judge and avenge our bloodon the inhabitants ofthe earth : And they are waiting in white Robes, till their feflow. fervants alfo, and their brethren thatfrail be killedas they were, fha0 befulfilled, Rev. 6.10,1 1. They are rejaycing when the enemies of Cbriff and bis Church are fubdued, Rev. 18. zo. And they (hall judge the sunsuit diesels and thc worlds 6or.4.2,3_And this feet/nth