Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 5 59 not to_be only an äpprohatiònof (hrifts final Judgment For s. judging is very often put in Scripture for governing : As in the bookofthe judges, it is Paid, fuch and filch a onejudged ljrael; that is, ruled them according to the Laws of God. 2. And a Kingdoan and Reign is often promifed to the Saints 7o him that overconeeth will lgrant to fit with me homy Throne; even as I alto overcame, and ans Jet down with my Father in hie Throne, Rev. 3.1 t. Which mutt needs fignific force partici- pation in power of Government, and not only in fplendor of Glory. And lo Chrifl cxpoundeth , Mattb. 19. 28, Luke 22. 3o. Te which have followedme, in the regeneration Pall C..t on twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Ifragii. (And of God it is laid, Pfal.9. 4.Tbcufarejt in the Thrones judging right.) It is too jejune and forced an expofition of them that fay this is fpoken only of the power which the Apofiles had in their minifiration onearth : And as abfurd is the other, that it is fpoken only ofApofiles, Paflors, and Saints, and Martyrs in fpecie that their fucceffors (hall be Popes and Prelates, and great men in the world, and the Saints be uppermoil after Con(tantines converfion. As if the promitc meant only to re- ward one naan, becaule another fuffered for Chrifl, and God had promifed thole great things,.not to the perfons mentioned, but to others that thould be their fucceffors ; yea as if that Venom then poured into the Church, were all the b:nedi(1ion. And though I know not what changes are yet to come before the final Judgment, yet the Millenaries opinion, who retirain all this to an earthly temporal reign of Come Saints for a thoufand years, doth fecal as unfatisfa(ory on many accounts. It is moil likely therefore that as the wicked (who arc now very like them) muff be hereafter of the fame Regionand Socie with the Devil and his Angels,(Mattb.25.43.) And as the god- ly frail be like and equal to the Angels, Luke ao. 36. fo we (hall be of the fame Society with thc.Angels; and confequently (hall have their emplosmrnt. And as the Angels have a Miniulerial Stewardibip or Superintendency over men and their aff,irs (as many Scriptures fully thew) fo allo fhall_the Saints: And it is-not likely that this is wholly defereed till the refurrelion; but as they have a Glory before that with Chti11 and his An- gels; fo they have now their part in this Superintendency before