Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. before ; though both...will be greater at the Refurrecbtion. Ifany fay, what ufe will there be of our fúperiority, after the wosld is detlroyed ? I anfwer, a. The Apoflle 'Peter plainly telleth us (though fora would force his words into the dark) that we according to bis promife, opal a new Heaven and a new Earth, in which drrelietb rigbteoufnefs. And the Creation groanetb to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty ofthe Sons of God, Rom. 8. 2 I. And the Heavens muff contain Chri, till the timesof Reffitution ofall things, which God barb fpoken by the mouth of all bis 'holy Prophets, fence the world began, Ads ;. 21. 2. And he that laid, the Sainu fhall judge the Angels, feemeth to intimate, that the Devils with the tricked will bein a Bate offubjellion or fervitude to them here- after. Certain it is, that Michael and his Angels (hall be the conquerours ofthe Dragon and his Angels,Rev. r a. 7, g. And that the Serpents bead (hall be bruited by all the womans feed, though chiefly by the Captain of our faivation. But this (hall now fuflìce concerning their employment. 3. Behold alfo by Faith what the departed'Saitats are now enjoying. And what isfaid oftheirplace and work will teil you that. They enjoythe fight of theirglorified Head, Job. 17.24. They are with bim in Paradife, and therefore alto enjoy the fgbt of the Glory of God: Being abfent front the body, they are prefent with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5.8. They fee not as in a glafs, as here they did, but with openface. They enjoy the plcafures aé a moreperfedknowledge ofGod and all his wondrous works, than this worldaffords. They are happy in their works, in tht perfcét Love and Praifes ofGod ; and they are filled with the pleafures of his Love to them. This is their fruition. 4. Let Faithalto behold what evils they are delivered from. a. From aheavy droffy body which fence the fall hath been an enemy, a prifon and fetters to the foul : and therefore they heregroaned to be better cloatbed, 2 Cor. 5.4, 5. Rom. 8. 2 I. 2. From the worlds temptation, : 3. From wicked mens ma- lice and perfecutions : 4. From ficknefs, pain, neeefries,labourr, wearinefs, and all the troublefome tffetsof fin : 5. Prom all troublefome pafliions, deliires, anger, difcontent, difap- pointments, griefs, and cares, and fears of evil. 6. Specially from the fears ofHell, and tic doubts of their own fincerity and