Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Lt?fe eFait and falvation ; and from the defectionsofGod, and the ter- rible fente of his difplcafure. 7. From the troubles and er- tours of ignorance, and all our natural imperfcdion. S. From thefears of death, which now is more painful than death it Calf. 9. From the fuggeftions of Satan, and his malicious vex- ing difquieting temptations, and from his flattering allure. ments, which are much work. io. From the company, and the tempting or grieving examples of ungodly men. r t. From all fin it fell, and all our moral impctfefions and defers. 5 2. And finally from all danger, and fear ofever lofing the felicity they poffcfs. Thcfc are the immunities of the blared. z. When Faith bath teen the Saints in Glory, lookback and think next what they were latey here on earth that it may help you to compare your ftace and theirs. And here you will fee L. That they were lately in flefh, as we now are.They had bodies as dro(Tìe, as vite, as frail, as burdenfomc as outs arc. It cors them as dear (not as it doch the fenjual, but) as it doch the temperate perfon now to keep tbens up a while for the titmice to which they were appointed. z. They had pains and fickneffes as we have. The fouls in Heaven have etcapcd thither from bodies which have lain as long tormented with the Stone, with Seranguries, Collicks, Gripes, Convulfions, Confumptions, Feavers, and other the moti tedious, painful and lothfome difeafes,as fober men on earth now feel. 3. Satan wasas malicious to them, as he is to us ; and to many of them as troublefome : he haunted themwith as ugly temptations, to the greaten fins, to unbelief, and pride, and dcfpair, and (elf murder, and horrid blafphemy, as he doch any ofus. (Yea he did fo by Chriti himfelf, Mattb. 4.) 4. They met with as many allurements to worldlincfs, fenfuabty, pride and luf in the worldsdeceiving baits, and flatteries, as nowwe do ; tiind were fain to proceed every flep towards Heaven, by coufli& and conquers as we muti do. 5. They were in as many wants and (traits ; in as poor, and low, and defpifed a Hate, as we arc now : They were tempted to cares, and murmuring*,and difcontentä,through their wants and cro(fas, as well as we d. They have been in dangers, and in fears, and malty a time at the brink of death, before it came and put to cry to God Bbbb for