Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

562 The Life of Faitb. for deliverance in the terrours and anguifh of their hearts, Their Meth, and heart, and friends have failed than, and all the creatures cali there, off. 7:They have gone through far greater pertcurions for the fake of Chrifl and rig etc ufncfs, than ever we did So perfecuted they the Prophets beforeyou,lvl,at.5.1 1,12. Which of the Prophets did not your Fathers kill and perfrcute ? even of them for whom their poflerity erected Monuments ? l.rrrb. 23.36, 37, 38 We havenil refitted unto blood, as many of them did, Heb. t 1. The fame and greater of idions which we have undergone, were accomplifhed on our brethren in this world, t Pet. 5. y. We go through the fame confliâ as they did, Phil. 1.3o. We arc no more falfly nor odioufly flandered in any of our fuffcrings than they wcre,Nlat.5.11,12. 8. They were men of like paffions as we are ; for fo James faith even of Elias, that was carryed to Heaven without our kind ofdcath.They had their ignorances,uncertainties,doubts, miflakes ; their dark thoughts of God, and that world where they now are. Many of them knew as little of it, till they Caw it, as we do now. Many a fearful trembling hour, many a thought that God had ferfaken them, and that the day of grace was pall, have many of them had as well as we. 9. Yea they were impel fcdt in all their graces ; they had an impel-fed faith, an ímperfra hope, an imperfe& Love to God and man, and many an hour in loch groans as ours now are, O when (hall we be laved from our darknefs and unbelief ! when (hall we better love the Load ! to. They hadtheir aea4 fins alfo. (Though none that were regnant after ennverfion) their obedience was irnperfcei as burs now is. Miryoftheir fáults and falls are left on record for our warning. There is not one humane foul in Heaven betides our Saviours, that was not once a Canner : They all came thither by a Redeemer as we mutt do. They had their too great fell(hnefs, Pbi1.s. 2 r.They had their pufillanimity and fears of men (as Peter and the Apofilcs.) They had their finful controvcrfies, as Paul and Barnabas , and Gnfu1 reparations in complyance with the =- furious, as Peter and Barnabas had, Gal. z.16, 17. They had their carnal tidings, factions and divifons in the Church, i Car. I. & 3. Minya time have they been put togroan, 0 wretched man, who Pa deliver me from thin body of death., ibom