Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 563 Rom.7,&e. r t. They had asdifficult duties to go through,as any of us : They were put upon as many [cars and troubles, watchings and travels, failings and (elf- denyal, as the moll la-. boriourand fuffering Chriflians now. 12. They had as long delayes ofthe accomplitbment of their deans, as any of us., r 3. And lafily, they pall through death it felf, as we muff 'do. Tf cy lay gsrping on their beds of langu fhing,and death broke in'upon every part, and they underwent that reparation of foul and body, as we mutt do: Their Beth was turned to rot - tennefs and duff, and laid out of the fight ofman in darknefs, and remaineth to this day as common earth. All this the Saints in Heaven have undergone. This was their cafe a while ago, who arc now in glory. And this was not only the cafe of tome few, but ofthoufands and millions, and that in the mob ofthcfe particulars, even ofall that are gone beforeus unto blcf ednefs: It is not wethat are tempted firft, that are perfecuted or afflicted fir(i, that havefinned fir8, that muli die íìr8 ; but all this hot[ bath broke the Ice, and are fafely pall through this Red Sca, and arc now triumphing in felicity with their Saviour. Dire. 3. Let Faithnext look back, and fee by what way there Saints have come to this felicity ; I mean, by what means they did overcome, and win the Crown. And briefly, you will find, a. That they all carne to Heaven by the Mediation, the Sacrifice, the meritorious Righteoufnefs of a Redeemer, Terns Chrifi (either asprornifed,or as incarnate) noneof the were jufitìed by the works ofthe Law, or the Covenant of Innocency. 2. That their common way wasby Faith, Repentance,Love and Obedience;, Mt by worts of Rigbteoufnefs, which we have dvnel but according to big mercy hepaved us, by t be wathing of Re- generation, and the renewing ofthe Holy Ghoft, which befiled on ter abundently through C'brilt, Titus 3. 5. .Even by the triple Image of the Divine perfefians, Power, Love and Wifdom, z Ttm. r. 7. They lived foberlly, rigbteosfly and godly in the world, and were zealous of good worts, looking for the bleffed hope which they have attained, Titus 2. 14)15. Knowing that Re- pentance towards God, and Fait. towards our Lord'17elms Cbriff, are the famm of Cavingdoarincand duty, /Ms xo. zi. And B b bb 2 th