Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

564 The Life of Faith, that tofear God and keep hit Commandments, is the whole duty ofman, Ecclef. 12. 13. And that the end of the Commandment WCharity, out of apure heart, and a good confcience, and offaith unfeigned, a Ting. 1. 5. and that Love is the fulft'ing of the Law. 3. They fiudied the Word of God, or fuch means of know- ing him as God afforded them, in order to the attaining and maintaining of there graccs,Pfal. i.2.and fought theLord with all :heir hearts, while he might be found, and called upon hirrt while he was near,lfa.5 5.6, 10. And did not freumptuoutly negled Gods helps, and dcfpifc his Word, while they trutied for his mercy. 4. They lived in a continual conflift again( the tempta- tions ofthc Devil, the world and the fle(h, and in the main did conquer as well asftrive. They made it their work to mar- tifie thofe flcthly tufts, which others make it their intere(i and work topleafe, Gal. 5. 17. 21, 22. & 6. 4. s. They fuffcred aflíidions and perfeeutions patiently , and being reviled, they didnot revile : They loved their enemies, and Hoff thofe that curie them, and prayed for thofe that deffite- fefyufed and perfecuted them, Matth.1.44 45° a Cor. 4. 1!, 12, 13.2 Cor. a. 6, 7. Heb. 11. They wouldnor accept of de- liverancefrom imprifanment, torments and death, upon finning terms. 6. They endured to the end, and did not fall offend for- fake the Covenant of their God, Rev. 2. & 3. 7.Laaly,Thcydid all t} by the motive et their hopes ofHea- ven, and by a confidence in the promifes ofit,and in a heavenly mind and convcrfation, as knowing that they did not labour or fuffer in vain, t Cor. 15.58. 2 Cor. 4.17.1 Tim.4, to. Rom, S.18.Mattb. 5. t t. 2 The! 1. 6,7. Heb. 12.2. This was the way by which the Saints have gone to Heaven 4 the only true fuccefsful way. 1Dire& 4. Confider next what helps and means God gave them for this work, and compare our own with them, and fee whether ours be not asgreat. 1, We have the fame natural capacity as they : we arc in- telleiJual free agents, madefor another world, and capable ofall that they attained. There is no difference in our natural fa- a#ltacs. 2.Wc