Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 565 2. We have the fame God to thew us mercy, I Cor. 1:1. 5, There ass divers operations, tut the fame God, Ephef. 4.4, 5. 7bere is one God, one Lord, &c. even the Lordover aD, good to aD that call upon him, Rom. 1o. is. The fame mercy which called them, and waited on them, callethus, even a God who bath no refpei. of perfons ; but in every Nation be that fearetbhim, and workech rigbteoufnefs,'is acceptedof him, Aas to. 37. Though he bea free benefaacr, he is a rigbtecus Judge, and he is good to all, and the Father of everymember ofhis Son. 3. They had the fame Saviour as we have ; the famefa- crifice for their fins; the fame Teacher, and the fame example; the fame intercejT r with the Father : For though there be divers adminilfrations, there is the fame Lord, t Cor. 12.5. Ephef. 4.4. For other foundation can no man lay, than him who is the chief cornerlime, i Cor. 3. r r. They all did eat of the fame fpiritual meat, anddrankof the fame rock, as we do, which is Cbriff, tt Cor. ro. 3, 4. It was the reproach of Chrif} which Mofes in Egypt ((teemed better than their treafures, Heb. r 1.26. The fame Phyfician of fouls who hath us in cure,did cure all them : The farm Captain who is concludingus to falvation, is he that faired them. The fame Prince of the Covenant, and Lord of life, who conquered death and all their enemies, bath conquer- cd them for us, and is preparing us for life with them. They had no greater, or better High Pricfl and Mediator with God than we have. 4. They had thefame Rule to walk by, and the fame way to go, as all we hive, Gal. r. 7, 8. & 6. 16. Phil. 3. r4, 15. The fame Gofpel and Word of God, in the main, though under various promulgations and adminiflrations : Thofe before the fl.rod were under the Covenant of the promifed feed, made txni- verfally to mankind in Adam. Thofe after the flood wereunder thefame Covenant renewed univerfally tomankind in Noab.The Ifraelites were under the fame Covenant renewed to them. #ecially in Abraham, with fpecial additions ; and after under that Covenant feconded with the Law which was given to Mofes : And all Chriftians after Chrifis Refurredion areunder theperfebledCovenant ofGrace, and have the (Trine word of fal- vation for their rule; even the Gofpel of Chrift, which is the power of God, to tie falvation ofevery one that believeth, Rom. a. 16. Bbbb 3 5. They