Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 5 67 but the fame Spirit, 1 Cor. 12.4. We have the fame Spirit of Faith, z Cor. 4. 13. All that are Sons have the fame Spirit of the Son, ever. the Spirit of"A ',rim, Gal. 4.6. -Rom, 8. 16.26. which is the Spirit of Power, of Love, and of a found mind, 2 Tim. 1.7. We have the fame Almighty Power within us, to henry our fins, to rage up our fluggith hearts to God, to keep us in his Love, toovercome the flesh, which did all theta excellent works in them. We are foaled with the fame feel, and are known by the lame mark, a John 3. 24. and are aetuated by the fame heavenly principleas they were. 8. We arc members of the fame univerfal Church, which is the body ofChriti : For there is but one body, whatever di- vertìty of the members there be, Epbef. 4. 4, 5, 6, 7, 12. 1 Car. 1 a. We arc members of the fame City and Family of God, Epbef. 2. t9. Weate in the fame Ship which conveyed them to the Haven: We arc Dilciples its the fame School, where they learnt the way to life eternal : We arc workmen in the fame Vineyard, where they procured their reward. 9. They had thefame werkt,te do as we have ; the flame God to love and (awe; the fame Chriff tobelieve in ; the fame Spi- rit to obey ; the fame things to believe (in the main) the fame things to define and prayfor ; thefame things to love, and the fame tobate; the lame things (in the main) which are fin to us, were fin to thin', and the fame life ofholinefs, temperance and righteoufncfs, which is commanded us, was commanded them. They had the fame temptations to rcfiil,and the fame flethiy mind to overcome, and the fame fettles, and appetites,.. and pallions to rule ; the fame enemies to overcome ; and the fameor greater (offerings to bear, as is laid before. o. They had but the fame means and helps as we have. (except Come Prophets and Apotiles, and extraordinary per- fons inone age :) And what they received ofthe Lord, they have delivered unto us, x Cor. 11. z3. We have the fame Gofpel to to teach us ; the fame Sacraments to initiate and confirm us ;, the lame Pa(t"ors andTeachers, for office, to infirut% ús, Epbef. 4. 12, 13, 14, 16. Matth. *8. 2o. Falling, and Prayer,. and 7banksgiving, and Church-communion,and mutual Exbartation,, which; are our helps andmeans, were theirs. az. Thefarmmetbcdof Providencewhich curyed them on is