Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faitb. is flit! on foot for all the Saints, Pfal. 45. 9, 18. & 86.5, He broke them, and bound them up ; he caI them down, and railed them, as he doth us now : He made them contrit; and thendid comfort them : He led them through as rude a wit - dernefs, and they had as many wildbeafts to affault them, and as many dangers round about them as we have : They had fcafons ofadverfity, and feafons of profperity; their tîarmy and their funfhine dales; their troubles, which quickened their crycs to God, and the gracious anfwer of thofe crycs ; and were led to Heaven in the fame courtc of providence as weare. 12. And, to conclude, the fame Heaven is prepared for us, and offered, yea given to us, which they poffefs. It is ours in right, though our title be not abfolutely perfea1, till wehave finally prefevcred and overcome: We arc heirs ofGod, and co- heirs withChrift, havinghis feat and carnet' ; if fo be that we fuffer with him, that we may be glorified with him, item. 15. 16. 17. The Kingdom isprepared for all them that love him. Chrifi prayed for all that the Father ,had given him ; and for all that fhould believe by his Word, John 17. 2, 20, 27. even that theymay have eternal life, and may be with him where he is, to fee his glory : Whofocvcr bclieveth thatl not Frith, but have everlatting life, John 3. 16. In all this you may fcc, how like their Condition in this world was unto ours, and that our way is the fame which all thofe have gone, that are nowpall all thefe fnares and dangers, fins and mtteries, in the pretence oftheir Lord. Direrf. 5. When you have made thefecomparifons, think next what an excellent benefit it will be toyou, to loek, thus be- lievingly andfrequently to the Saints, that are gone before you intoglory. All theft unfpeakable benefits will idllow ir. a. It will much quicken and confirm our faith: As we do the more cafily troll the boat, and boat-man, when we fee Many thoufand paffengcrs tafcly landed by him : And wecafity troll the Phyfician,when we fcc many thoufands cured byhim, who were Once in our cafe ; fo it Will greatly fatisfie.the foul againft thefulpicions and fears ofunbelief, when faithTeeth all theglorified Saints, 'that arc a&wally, .laved byChrift already, end have obtained all that we believe and leek : Methinks I hear