Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. S hearHensck, 7oJhua, Abraham, Peter, Paul, John, Cypriot, Ma- earius, Augu(tirse, Melantïbon, Calvin, Zsnchiree, Rogers, Brad- ford, Hooper, Jewel, Grindal, Wier, Hildee(ham, Ames, Dod, Baines, Bolton, Gatalter, with thoufands fuch, as men (landing on the further fideof the river, and calling to us that mutt come after them [Fear not the depths, or forms, or (creams ; tauft boldly that veffel, and that faithful Pilot ; we trufted him, and none ofus have mifcarricd, but all ofus are here landed Cale : We were once in forms, and doubts, and lean, as you now arc ; but it is our diffidence, and not our confidence, which proved our infirmity and (hamc,] Who would not bold- ly follow fuch a multitudeofexcellcnt perlons, who have fpcd fo well? 2. It will alto much confirm our hope (that is, our glad expelïation of the Crown) when our apprehenfions of it grow dull and flack, and our tears do grow upon us, and wearc rea- dy to Tuition whether ever fuch a happinefs will be our lot, the fight of thcfe that are now triumphing in the a&ual pof- fcfion, will banifh defpair, and much revive us : We cannot but think, they were once as low and bad as I, and had as ma- nydifficulties to overcome : and why may not I then be as holy and as happy as they ? 3. Such a fight will greatly quicken our defines, to attain their happinej, and togo their way : As when worldlings fee the grandeur, and honours, and power ofGreat men (as they are yet called) it makcth them think, howbrave a Lk is this ? And as the fenjual, when they fcc their companions in the Tavern, or Gaming- bouje, or Play-boufe, or themerryfoolboufe, as Solomon accountcth it, Eccl47. 4. do long to be with them, and to partake of their bclovcal plcafurc : fo when by faith we fee the departed Saints in glory, and think where our t ld ac- quaintance are, and the multitudes of wife and holy fouls,that arc gone before, it will greatly firup our fluggi(h delires, and make us long for the fame felicity, and to be as near to God as they arc. 4. And it will do much to dire& us in the way : For we muff follow them as they followed Chrifl. As the hifloryof the Wars ofAlexander, C.efar, Tamerlane, &c, will teach men how to fight for temporal tyrannical domination ; fo the C c c c hiftory