Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5763 The Life of Faith. hiftory of theSaints do teach us how to fight againft fpirituai arickedneflcs and powers, and how to take the profpering way. It is ealie there to find, whether lazinefs or labour, whether fenfuality orfpiritualiry bathalwaics been the way to Heaven ? Whether Saints were gluttons, drunkards, whore- mongers, riotous, licentious and proud, or tcmporate, chatte, mortified and humble ? whether the Saints were the (corners, or the fcorncd, the oppreffors, or the oppreffcd, the perfccu- tors, or theperfecutcd ; the burdens, or the bleffings of the times they lived ire: When the world is divided about mat- ters of Religion, and every Party hath a feveral way, for the Unity, and the Reformation, and the Communion of the Churches, and the right Govcrnment,Difciplineand Worfhip- ing of God ; how care and fate is it (in the main, and in all things of necef city) to look back and fee which way it was that Peter and Pail did go to Heaven by; and what terms they were on which their Union, Communion, Government, Dif- cipline and Worfhip were performed. 5. The fight of bleffed fouls by faith, will alfo increafe the Ëtefalutisu and Fortitude of the mind. Faintnefs and pufilani- mity feizeupon us when we look only on the difficulties and dangers : But when we fee the thoufands that have over- come them all, by the fame means which we are called toufe; it flceleth our courage, and maketh us refolve to break through all : When we think only how mortal our difeafes are, our hearts do fail us : But when all that were cured of the very Came, do call to us, and fay, [Never hat; there is no difeale too hard for your Phylìcian ; he hath cured us of the very fame, and cureth all that ever truft him, and ufe his remedies] This will embolden a fainting mind. Tbercf,rc in the fore-cited text, Heb.6. 12. It is fail, Be netflahful (which there meaneth, fuch at faint withdefpendency, clef-pair or fears) but foilewers of them who by faith andpatience inherit the pro- 'nips.] When we look on the Saints tribulations for the faith, we arc apt to faint (as Come do that fland by another that is under the Surgeons hands) Ephef. 3. 13. But when we fee them in triumph, it cureth our cowardile (and it is they only that labourandfaint not, that are crowned, and that reap in datefeafon, F cI Rev. 2.3. Gal. 6. g.) that is, who faint not into cefation,